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1 byte added, 12:32, 25 March 2017
* {{Item|Stickhorn}} - A wooden instrument that was invented by lumberjacks in [[Sedgewick Forest]] to ward off [[Treants|Treant]] saplings. -OffHand
* {{Item|Stonebugle}} - Made of stone, this traditional dwarven instrument requires much skill to use. -OffHand
* {{Item|DeathlurDeath Lur}} - A wooden instrument with terrible and toxic enchantments. Even touching it to your lips causes slight pain. -OffHand
* {{Item|Leader's Conch}} - Made from a sea-snail shell, this instrument has an ominous tone.
* {{Item|Oakhorn}} - Made of a secret elven wood (not oak, despite the name), this horn has a somber quality. -OffHand

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