,Updated to template.
{{NPC infobox
|title = Percussa
|image = [[File:Percussa (npc).png|300px]]|caption = Confident in her skills.|zone = [[Rahu]]|location = Between the open and the permit parts City of the city.[[Rahu]]|beastspeak = All |skilltrainer = [[Bard]] and , [[TailoringLeatherworking]]|vendor =
{{Quote|I've gone adventuring a few times to test out my bardic powers on evil Orcs. It was invigorating! But so much of the music is lost in the chaos of battle. For now, I'm happier just being a musician.
{{Quote |
: I am Percussa, master of all forms of music, at your service! No need to tip me for my music. I play just to get my name out there in the world. If you enjoy it, dance or play along with me!
:''' I like your name'''
:: Thank you. It was [[Daniel Murderdark]]'s idea. He said that since Rakshasa are so unfamiliar with bards, changing my name would help them understand my true nature. My parents died years ago, so nobody minded when I changed my name from Percia to Percussa.
:''' I like your drumming!'''
:: Thank you! You're very kind. I hope to see you around again I'm at [[Nishika]]'s restaurant almost every day.
:''' Your outfit is great! Who's your tailor?'''
:: Oh, I make these clothes myself. A real elven bard taught me!
:''' Can you play a song for me?'''
:: Oh, I don't take requests, I'm sorry. When I play, I play from the heart, not from any song books! But if you stick around long enough, I'm sure you'll hear something you like.
:''' Here's a tip (10 Councils)'''
== Location ==
; [[Rahu]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->
: [[Percussa]] is usually found around [[Nishika]]'s restaurant during the daytime. Around 6pm, she returns to her home in the [[Onkara]] patrolled half of the city.
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) -->
<!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. -->
==Small Talk==
* Likes Equipment with [[Bard]] prerequisites.
* Likes Azurite Gems
* Likes Spider Silk
[[Percussa]] offers a few quests. * [[Drumskins]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - Obtain 5 Great Animal Skins. {{Hint|Some of the monsters in the Rahu wilds can be skinned for these.}}<spoiler show="Reward for Drumskins">Reward:75 favor, 1000 Councils</spoiler>* [[Spiderwebs for Beautiful Clothes]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - Obtain 4 Spider Silk. {{Hint|Speak with someone who knows Textile Creation}}<spoiler show="Reward for Beautiful Clothes">Reward: </spoiler>*[[The Perfect Rice for Weddings]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - Obtain 3 Secret Rice. {{Hint|Secret Rice drops from hostile Rakshasa around Rahu.}}<spoiler show="Reward for The Perfect Rice for Weddings">Reward:Reward50 Favor, 3x Bottle of Milk, 2x Oregano</spoiler>== Rewards ==<!--; At {{Favor|Comfortable}}: * ; At {{Favor|Friends}}:-->==Training==[[Percussa]] will only train skills once you reach the proper favor level.;[[Bard]]<!--:{|{{vendor item row |Icon=Unlock |item=Shield{{pipe}}Unlock Shield Skill Levels 51-60 |cost=19400 |favor=Comfortable}}{{vendor item row |item=Shield: Stunning Bash 6 |cost=9554 |favor=Comfortable}}{{vendor item row |item=Shield: Finish It 5 |cost=9603 |favor=Comfortable}}{{vendor item row |item=Shield: Take The Lead 4 |cost=9651 |favor=Comfortable}}{{vendor item row |item=Shield: Emergency Bash 6 |cost=11300 |favor=Above Comfortable}}{{vendor item row |item=Shield: Reinforce 6 |cost=11349 |favor=Above Comfortable}}|}-->; [[Leatherworking]]<!--:{|{{vendor item row |Icon=Unlock |item=Foraging{{pipe}}Unlock Foraging Skill Levels 51-60 |cost=19400 |favor=Friends}}|}-->== Hang Outs ==<!-- Need Info*''' Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel ''' (4 hours) {{Favor|Neutral}}<spoiler show="Reward for Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel">:35 favor with Braigon:2 Bottle of Whey</spoiler>-->
[[Category:NPCsSkill Trainer]][[Category:HumanoidRakshasa]][[Category:Rahu NPCs]][[Category:Skill TrainerNPCs]][[Category:Talks to Animals]]