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Kur Tower

154 bytes added, 16:04, 5 October 2014
Adding info about the one-way exit.
====Glajur's Room (top level)====
At the back of the room is a well that appears to lead outside the dungeon (to be confirmed).
If you need to talk to [[Glajur]], it's possible to run quickly past enemies to the back of the room where the well is and they will eventually stop chase. Yoy may have to clear the path a little bit or use Health potions. Note that by doing so you may '''"train"''' another player who is talking to Glajur. That is, the chasing enemies will "aggro" any bystanders. This isn't really anyone's fault. So if you are not alone in the dungeon don't stand by Glajur for too long, if you go AFK, go back in the room behind Glajur. It may be because the line of sight is blocked with the stairs leading into the room, the it is a little safer to pause there.
Found in this room's cells are ''Maggoty Hams''.
====Well (one-way exit)====
Just behind [[Glajur]] is a one-way only exit through a well that takes you back to Kur Mountains. You will be in the freezing water southwest of Kur Mountains, so you may want to reach the shore as quickly as possible.
====Green Pillars (top level)====

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