→Points of Interest: Added some points of interest.
==Points of Interest==
===[[The Tapestry Inn]]===
An inn surrounded by a stables and the innkeeper's house. Inside is an innkeeper, waitress and lute player as well as [[Tyler Green]] (the shield trainer) and [[Jaime Fatholm]] (the survey trainer).
=== Abandoned Farms ===
The fertile soil of the Serbule Hills has attracted many farmers, most who have abandoned their farm grounds after the [[Goblin]] and [[Ranalon]] invasions.
=== Twin Lakes ===
Two lakes considered the center of the [[Serbule Hills]] region. Both have become infested with [[Ranalon]]. [[Guard Scray]] guard the shores, and various Ranalon structures have been constructed around them.
=== Control Bowl ===
These [[Ranalon]] constructed platforms are used as an otherworldly teleportation network. Adventurers have spotted many such bowls around the Serbule Hills. Gazing into one, you notice strange swirling symbols.
=== Logging Camps ===
The forests of [[Serbule Hills]] were once used by the Council as a source of lumber. Now, Goblins from [[Sedgewick Forest]] have taken over the camps.