<spoiler show="{{Spoiler|Reward for Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains ">|
<spoiler show="{{Spoiler|Reward for Help Brianna prepare barley for beer">|
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== Hang Out ==
*''' Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains ''' (3 hours) {{Favor|Neutral}}
: You missed another one! There! No, smaller. See, under your thumb. Yes, it's small now, but in a few weeks it'd become a full-sized weed. You should take some pride in your work! Okay, fine! Thanks for your help. I'll do the rest later.
:: 25 favor with Brianna Willer
:: Strange Dirt x1
*''' Help Brianna prepare barley for beer ''' (4 hours) {{Favor|Comfortable}} - Complete '''Earlier Hang Out'''
:How's the shucking coming along? Well, okay, that's enough for now. Hm? That barley over there? No, no, that's eatin' barley! I use the low-protein barley for brewing, and the high-protein barley for bread. I'm all out of bread or I'd let you taste some. But here: let me write down my recipe for you.
: 40 Favor
: Recipe for Barley Bread
[[Category: Serbule Hills NPCs]][[Category: Skill Trainer]][[Category:Elven]][[Category:Bartering]][[Category:Talks to Animals]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Skill Trainer]]