| health = 999999
no edit summary
| ineffective = (N/A)
[[Miss Chievous]] is a named [[Scapegoat]]. She is the god/mascot of the guild "Holy Order". Though she does not attack, she can be a challenging opponent due to her having the highest health of any creature in the game, and will likely require a group of high-leveled players to defeat. She is the only named creature to not give [[Notoriety]] XP upon being slain.
{{MOB Location
| area= Serbule
| location = She can be found near the edge of the map behind [[Serbule Crypt]]. Her respawn time is currently unknown.| health = 999999
| armor = 200
| rage = 0
[[Miss Chievous]] is a named [[Scapegoat]], that was born on January 1st, 2017. She is one of many [[Scapegoat]]s that were spawned during the New Years celebration. Some of the members of the guild '''Holy Order''' managed to bring her to the edge of the map, and keep her hidden behind the crypt for a few months! During that time, one of the caretakers of the guild's new-found goddess showed the developers about their secret, in hopes that she would be added to the game with a real name, instead of [[Scapegoat]]. Luckily for them, and [[Miss Chievous]], the developers loved it! In one of the next updates, she was added to the map with the name 'Miss Chievous', and a respawn point.
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Serbule Creatures]][[Category:Ruminant]][[Category:Deity]]