→Pet Stats
== Pet Stats Tamable Animals == ; ( Data after Oct 2016 update )
=== Rats ===
'''Rats''' are generally the first animal Animal Handlers will learn to '''Charm''' and '''Tame.''' Higher level rats may provide a Poison Vulnerability Debuff, and some species of Rats are reported to exhibit high Evasion & Crit.
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=== Felines ===
Animal Handlers who master Rats may wish to move onto something more ferocious, the [[Feline]]. Felines, also known as Big Cats, can be '''Charmed''' by Level 20+ Animal Handlers. Felines deal heavy slashing damage, but most are weak to poison.
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=== Bears ===
Bears are difficult to tame, requiring 40 Levels of [[Animal Handling]], but are loyal partners. Some bears deal heavy damage, while others act as tanks. Most bears are weak against Electricity and Acid damage.
: Resists: Crush, Trauma, Ice (very).
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level max stats|Bond Level 70: 600 Armor, 982 Health, 238 Dmg.}}
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