,Updated Khyrulek to creature template. Still requires combat abilities and armor/health/rage info.
__NOTOC__{{MOB infobox| type = Skeleton| armor = ???| health = ???| rage = ???}}'''Khyrulek ''' Is a skeletal fire mage boss located in upper [[Serbule Crypt]], Flanked by two [[Rhino]]s. While the fight is very difficult, Khyrulek does not have any curse associated with dying at her hand.Khyrulek trapped the Akhisa diplomat, and has threatened the application of a new emotion on whoever tries to free them. The new emotion created by Khyrulek is called "Painguish."
==Location==; [[Serbule]]: [[Serbule Crypt]] ==Combat Abilities==<!-- * [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Damage* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Personal Healing--> ==Reported Loot==* Galvanizer fire staff.* Green rings. [[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Serbule Crypt Creatures]][[Category:Skeleton]]