Started writing about the Eltibule Family
'''Eltibule Keep''' is the largest above-ground structure in [[Eltibule]], located in the center of the region. The basement of the Keep has become infested with goblins, and worse creatures have made their home further in the depths...
== The Eltibule Family ==
The Eltibule Family has ruled over the region of [[Eltibule]] for generations. This record contains a brief history of some of the more recent members.
=== James Eltibule ===
'''[[James Eltibule]]''', now known as The Deceased Duke, served as the last true ruler of Eltibule Keep. While he whittled away his fortune on reconstructing Eltibule Keep, his attention turned towards his sick daughter Katarina and he was conned by the Dwarves hired to build the Keep. It is unknown if Jame was aware of the Dwarven deception, as his untimely death at the hands of his daughter dealt a devastating blow to the region.
=== Serisa Eltibule ===
=== James Eltibule II ===
=== Katarina Eltibule ===
Little is known about '''Katarina''', except it was no secret that she suffered from a mysterious illness. A more little known fact, is that she was the mysterious assassin who killed her father, James Eltibule.
==Points of Interest==