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10 bytes added, 10:08, 13 March 2020
Updated infobox to template.
|image = [[File:Chirrra(npc).png|300px]]
|caption = Seems angry.
|zone = [[Serbule Hills|dungeon = Ranalon Den]]|location = Found wandering near in the entrancefirst chamber.|anatomy = Fish and Snail|species = Ranalon|beastspeak = Yes|beastlist = All|skilltrainer = [[Alchemy]]
:;'''How did you know I was a druid?'''
::Well, we assume that when expertly trained warriors infiltrate our dens on vicious guerrilla missions... they're druids. I mean, you're obviously not part of an army! Just a guerrilla warrior for [[Dreva]]. I'm not bashing Dreva, though: I want him to win, after all!
[[Category:Fish and Snail]][[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Ranalon Den NPCs]][[Category:Ranalon]]

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