,Updated to template.
|title = Oratory
|image = [[File:Podium.png|300px]]
|caption =The ability to speak in a public way that moves your audience.|skilltype = Other Skill <!-- Combat Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->|maxlevel = 50 <!-- List without bonus levels -->|req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->N/A|skilltrainers = <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->N/A
AKA "Oral"
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
Oratory is a skill gained by publicly reading poetry books at the podium in [[The Chortling Beaver]], an inn in [[Serbule]].
=== In-Game Description ===
The ability to speak in a public way that moves your audience.
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===* Read Poetry books.
== Connected Skills ==
* None
=====Secondary Skills:=====
* None[[Performance]] - Performance is the parent skill of [[Oratory]].
=====Related Skills:=====
* [[Poetry Appreciation]]
* [[PerformanceStringed Instruments]]- Skill in performing with stringed instruments such as harps, lutes, and guitars.* [[Percussion Instruments]] - Skill in performing with percussion instruments such as drums, bells, and dulcimers.* [[Wind Instruments]] - Skill in performing with brass and woodwind instruments such as trumpets, ocarinas, and flutes.* [[Interpretive Dance]] - Skill in dancing to music in a way that entertains or moves others.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
== Gallery==