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Yeti Cave

378 bytes added, 13:08, 30 April 2020
Updated to template.
==Points of Interest==
<!--Troll bridges, orb room, Maligno's den, Yeti Chests-->
====Glowing Sphere Chamber====
The Yeti Cave is large and contains many mysteries. After heading left on the 3-way fork on the first floor and fighting through hordes of Yetis and other denizens of the cave's depths, a steep drop-off cuts hundreds of feet down into the rock. Many courageous adventurers have delved this far into the cave, but few have returned ({{Hint|Travelling with a group over level 50 is highly recommended past here as it is MUCH more difficult than the first floor.}}). As the dank cavern descends deeper and deeper beneath [[Kur]], a number of unique, high-level foes stand in the way of the loot and [[Notoriety|glory]] held within the cave's far reaches.
==NPCs{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Inhabitants ==
columns = 3
=== Harvestables ===<!-- List of harvestable items. Sort by type (Fish, Fruit, Plants, Wood, Mushrooms, Minerals & Metal, Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous includes graves, eggs, and other stuff. -->====HarvestablesFood ====* {||{{Item|GrassHoney Ham}}|} (Haystack)* ==== Minerals & Metal ===={||{{Item|Coral MushroomSaltpeter}}* |{{Item|Silver Ore}} and |{{Item|IridiumGold Ore}}, |{{Item|Gold OreIridium}}|}, (==== Mushrooms ===={||{{Item|SaltpeterCoral Mushroom}}* |}==== Miscellaneous ===={||{{Item|Honey HamGrass}}(Haystack)* |{{Item|Shiny Plate}}* |{{Item|Bottle of Water}}, |{{Item|Empty Bottle}}|-|{{Item|Healing Potion Extreme}}|{{Item|Power Potion Extreme}}|{{Item|Armor Potion Extreme}}|}

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