,New layout
|skilltrainer = [[Knife Fighting]], [[Blacksmithing]]
The Winter Queen has had a minor setback in arriving. I am her envoy and I come bearing gifts. Winter is a time of death, yes, but death is a part of life. You may be destined to die in the cold, but it is not because we hate you.
She is only temporarily visiting [[Serbule]], and will return to the fey realms Fae Realm eventually. ==Location==; [[Serbule]]: She is located in a month or twothe henge-like ruins to the southeast of the keep, near Tyxr the Guardian Elemental. == Training =={{Hint|A month or two from June 19|-| valign="top" width="50%"|'''Note:''' When learning Knife Fighting, you will get the '''Frozen Soul''' debuff for 10 minutes, 2016earning 10% less combat xp.}}<br>[[Knife Fighting]]: ''Hamstring Throw, Hamstring Throw 2, Hamstring Throw 3,'':: ''Hamstring Throw 4, Hamstring Throw 5, Hamstring Throw 6''
: ''Fan of Blades, Fan of Blades 2, Fan of Blades 3, Fan of Blades 4''
: ''Simple Throwing Knife, Basic Throwing Knife, Good Throwing Knife,''
: ''Expert's Throwing Knife, Master's Throwing Knife, Amazing Throwing Knife,''
: ''Astounding Throwing Knife, Awesome Throwing Knife''
== Conversations ==
Mortal, you are worthy to join the Winter Queen in her annexation of this world. I come bearing gifts of knowledge. Do you wish to join us?
I understand your world's god of death... 'Vol', I believe? Yes, Vol has endorsed the Winter Queen's arrival. So I do not foresee any serious issues with claiming this world. So enjoy this moment of sunshine. Winter brings its own gifts, but this accursed warmth will never be felt by you again.
==LocationTrivia ==; * When [[SerbuleBahdba]]: She is located was introduced, it was announced that they would only be in the Stonehenge-like ruins to the southeast of the keep, near Tyxr the Guardian Elemental. ==Training=={||-| valign="top" width="50%"|'''Note:''' When learning Knife Fighting, you will get the '''Frozen Soul''' debuff Serbule for 10 minutestwo months, earning 10% less combat xpuntil August 2016.<br>[[Knife FightingBahdba]]: ''Hamstring Throw, Hamstring Throw 2, Hamstring Throw 3,'':: ''Hamstring Throw 4, Hamstring Throw 5, Hamstring Throw 6'' : ''Fan of Blades, Fan of Blades 2, Fan of Blades 3, Fan of Blades 4'' remains in [[BlacksmithingSerbule]]: ''Simple Throwing Knife, Basic Throwing Knife, Good Throwing Knife,'' : ''Expert's Throwing Knife, Master's Throwing Knife, Amazing Throwing Knife,'' : ''Astounding Throwing Knife, Awesome Throwing Knife''|}four years later.