,Added headers for additional storage systems.
: Players who have joined a guild may have access to Guild Storage chests. This access is dependent on their guild-rank and the access-rights set by the guild master.
: There are guild chests in [[Serbule]] (2x), [[Sun Vale|Animal Town]], [[Kur Mountains]], [[Rahu]] (2x) and in the [[Red Wing Casino]].
; Ursula Storage
: While under the effects of the {{Disease|Haunted}} curse, one variant of Ursula that may be spawned offers 16 storage slots.
; Carpentry Storage
: Adventurers with some knowledge of [[Carpentry]] can craft a range of Storage Crates that allow for a special storage space to be accessed.
: Each player that access a storage crate can store their own items. All storage crates allow access to the same items for a player.
:* {{Item|Shoddy Storage Crate}} - A small box for storing up to 4 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
:* {{Item|Crude Storage Crate}} - A box for storing up to 8 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
:* {{Item|Decent Storage Crate}} - A box for storing up to 12 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
:* {{Item|Nice Storage Crate}} - A box for storing up to 16 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
:* {{Item|Quality Storage Crate}} - A box for storing up to 20 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
:* {{Item|Great Storage Crate}} - A box for storing up to 24 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
:* {{Item|Amazing Storage Crate}} - A box for storing up to 28 items. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
; Druid Storage
: ???
; Lycanthropy Storage - Altar of Norala
: ???
; Warden Storage
: ???
; Fae Pocket Dimension
: ???
== Finding Stored Items==
; isearch
: A technique for summoning items from nearby storage into inventory, this system becomes accessible once unlocked through the [[Teleportation]]] skill. Items held in storage in the same zone as the crafter can be summoned directly to be used in crafting.
: It is not possible to use [[Practical Summoning]] to retrieve items from Council Vault Storage or Guild Storage Chests.
==Traditional Item StorageLists==
{{ #dpl:
===[[Winter Nexus]]===
; Trallix's Storage Box (? 16 Slots)
: A storage chest found inside the [[Winter Nexus]] after completing a puzzle.
===[[Kur Mountains]]===