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Battle Chemistry

525 bytes added, 08:40, 8 September 2020
{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics: Added weapon lists.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
<!=== Weapons ===[[Battle Chemistry]] users have access to two categories of weapons. Chemistry Beakers can be held in the main-hand, while Chemistry Flasks are used in the offhand.==== Main-hand Chemistry Beakers ====<dpl> category =Items/ChemistryBeaker reset =categories columns = Mechanic 13 mode =userformat format =,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},, allowcachedresults=trueDoing la</dpl>==== Off-di-dah allows for this and that.hand Chemistry Flasks ====<dpl> category = Items/ChemistryFlask reset = categories columns = 3 mode = userformat format = ,\n* {{Item|%PAGE%}},, allowcachedresults=true--</dpl>
* {{Item|Belt of The Alchemist}} ('''Battle Chemistry''', Mentalism)

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