|zone = Serbule
== Previously distributed items ==Zhia Lian asked me to come by to grant you a special gift! She taught me how to inject knowledge into your brain. She said this might increase your creativity a little. Hope you enjoy it!; Halloween 2019: {{Item|Pumpkin-Spice Cookies}} [[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Halloween 2019]][[Category:Halloween 2020]]
no edit summary
|image = [[File:BatintheHat.png|300px]]
|caption = Scary, yet stylish.
|location = Random locations.
|wander = Also appears in Serbule HillsAppears at Admin discretion.
|anatomy = Rodent
|species = Giant Bat
[[The Bat in the Hat]] is an Event NPC who first appeared outside of [[Serbule]] during [[Halloween 2019]]. When he appears in Serbule or Serbule Hills, adventurers have one hour to find him and deliver his requested items in exchange for a reward.
In 2020, [[The Bat in the Hat]] returned as a stationary NPC in the [[Red Wing Casino]]. Adventurers who completed a certain number of quests for [[Zhia Lian]] would receive a recipe for the [[Creepy Jack O' Lantern]].
; [[Serbule]](2019)
: Often found on large rocks.
; [[Serbule Hills]] (2019)
: Found on a rock in the Northwest.
; [[Red Wing Casino]] (2020)
: Found in [[Riston]]'s corridor.
== Events ==
===== Halloween 2019 =====
Gifted {{Item|Pumpkin-Spice Cookies}} to explorers who found it.
===== Halloween 2020 =====
Teaches recipe for {{Item|Creepy Jack O' Lantern}}.
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = None
|RiShin Family = None
== Conversations ==
{{Quote|source=[[The Bat in the Hat]] (2020)|
Well hello there!