{{Quote |: What do you need?: ''' Can you remind me how surveying works?''': Oh come on, weren't you paying attention? I taught you the recipe for making surveys. To get started, make a Serbule Hills Rubywall Crystal Survey. It'll show you a spot on the map. Go there, use the survey again to verify, and dig up the gems. Then rinse and repeat.:''' So I should make a Serbule Hills Rubywall Crystal Survey, and then use the survey to find more red crystals?''': You got it right, yep. Practice making some surveys and get a little nest egg of red crystals, and then I can teach you how to survey for better stuff.: ''' Okay, thanks. What exactly are these red crystals?''': I dunno, but they're a huge time saver! They're the whole reason I'm working from here instead of somewhere nice. My old survey techniques required a lot of time and effort out in the hot sun, using a theodolite, making topographic maps, testing soil, all kinds of hard work. But these magic crystals seem to know things about the land, and it's easy to tap into their power.: ... Actually, you know, they really creep me out. They're kind of scary. And they seem to be growing on their own -- there's more of 'em around than there was just a year ago.: But since they're all over the place in [[Serbule]] and [[Serbule Hills]], we might as well use 'em!:''' Interesting. '''}} ==Location=='''[[Jaime Fatholm''' ]] is often found engrossed in her maps at the corner table of the [[Tapestry Inn]] in [[Serbule Hills]].== Shopkeeper ==Jaime sells a selection of supplies for use with [[Surveying]].{{Vendor items sold}}== Favor =====Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
==Sells==[[Jaime sells a selection of supplies for use with Fatholm]] teaches [[Surveying]].{||-| valign="top" width="50%"| at '''{{vendor table first}}{{vendor item row favor| item = Simple Parchment | cost = 7 Comfortable}}{{vendor item row | item = Basic Parchment | cost = 15 }}{{vendor item row | item = Good Parchment | cost = 60 }}{{vendor item row | item = Expert's Parchment | cost = 105 }}{{vendor item row | item = Master Parchment | cost = 150 }}{{vendor item row | item = Amazing Parchment | cost = 195 }}{{vendor item row | item = Basic Ink | cost = 15 }}{{vendor item row | item = Advanced Ink | cost = 37 }}{{vendor item row | item = Expert Ink | cost = 75 }}|}| valign="top" width="50%"| {{vendor table second}}{{vendor item row | item = Inkstone | cost = 375 }}{{vendor item row | item = Ink Remover | cost = 37 }}{{vendor item row | item = Blank Book | cost = 150 }}|} |}'' Favor. This Favor Level can be reached quickly by completing both offered quests.
; Sells parchment and ink depending on favor level
; Trains a large variety of surveys for [[Geology]] and [[Mining]] requiring high levels of favor
To obtain the [[Surveying]] skill, you first need to become comfortable with Jaime Fatholm in Serbule Hills. This can be done by completing her 2 initial favors, which require 6 hardboiled eggs and 5 healing potions.
Needs Training list.
[[Jaime Fatholm]] is an expert [[Surveying| Surveyor]] living out of The [[Tapestry Inn]] in [[Serbule Hills]].
===Favor Rewards===
[[Jaime Fatholm]] rewards her friends with access to additional items in her shop, and Training of surveys for [[Geology]] and [[Mining]].
== Quests ==
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
== Conversations ==
{{Quote |
: What do you need?
: ''' Can you remind me how surveying works?'''
: Oh come on, weren't you paying attention? I taught you the recipe for making surveys. To get started, make a Serbule Hills Rubywall Crystal Survey. It'll show you a spot on the map. Go there, use the survey again to verify, and dig up the gems. Then rinse and repeat.
:''' So I should make a Serbule Hills Rubywall Crystal Survey, and then use the survey to find more red crystals?'''
: You got it right, yep. Practice making some surveys and get a little nest egg of red crystals, and then I can teach you how to survey for better stuff.
: ''' Okay, thanks. What exactly are these red crystals?'''
: I dunno, but they're a huge time saver! They're the whole reason I'm working from here instead of somewhere nice. My old survey techniques required a lot of time and effort out in the hot sun, using a theodolite, making topographic maps, testing soil, all kinds of hard work. But these magic crystals seem to know things about the land, and it's easy to tap into their power.
: ... Actually, you know, they really creep me out. They're kind of scary. And they seem to be growing on their own -- there's more of 'em around than there was just a year ago.
: But since they're all over the place in [[Serbule]] and [[Serbule Hills]], we might as well use 'em!
:''' Interesting. '''