,Needs Shop list.
== Location ==
; [[Eltibule]]
: Up the path from the [[Kur Mountains]] Portal, and a little west.
== Shopkeeper ==
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor ===== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]] ===
== Sells =Favor Rewards===* Fetish Bag [[Jumjab]] rewards their friends with Items and a Skill.{{Spoiler|Reward at '''{{Favor|Friends}}:|:[[Jumjab]] will offer to teach [[Corpse Talking]] for 1000 Councils to anyone with Level 20+ [[Necromancy]].}}{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Like Family}}:|:{{Item|Super Steroid Drink}} x5}}=== Hang Outs ==={{Spoiler|Listen to Jumjab ramble about his life (2hr)|:20 favor with Jumjab:1 Jumjab''' s Necrogloves (gloves with necro gem embedded)}}{{HintSpoiler|Used in Help Jumjab sell his services to local humans (8hr)|:65 favor with Jumjab:1200 Corpse TalkingXP}}{{Spoiler|Help Jumjab prepare fetish bags (2h)|:20 favor with Jumjab:200 Corpse Talking XP:5 Fetish bag}}
== Quests ==
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
| favor = Like Family
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Family = {{Item|Goblin Necromancy Focus}} (Lv30), {{Item|Goblin Slippers}} (Lv30), {{Item|Super Steroid Drink}}
== Conversations =={{Quote|[He begins speaking in elegant, formal-sounding [[Goblinese]]. You can't figure out what he's saying.]}}{{Spoiler|Unlocking conversation|:[[Goblinese]] lvl 35+ required.}}
== Trivia ==
Jumjab used to teach the ability Create Super Zombie. In the [[Game_updates/2018-12-20|Dec 20, 2018 patch]], it was merged into the skill {{Ability icon|Raise Zombie}} [[Raise Zombie]].