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382 bytes added, 18:49, 22 April 2021
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[[Kodan]] is a Lycanthrope given permission to live in [[Sun Vale]]'s Animal Town, if he remains in wolf form at all times. Before he moved to Animal Town, Kodan worked as an Armorsmith for a werewolf clan in [[Iatholme]]. One of his customers eventually infected him, alongside his wife, Tharja. A group of Druids interfered with a ritual to help her remain sane, and everything went downhill after that.
As a resident of [[Animal Town]], [[Kodan]] is only willing to hold conversations with characters that have transformed into a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] over 180 real-world minutes prior to the conversation attempt. If you loose track of the time you last transformed, [[Norbert]] is willing to tell you how long you have until the other residents will tolerate talking with you.
Even though Kodan is a wolf, he still seems capable of basic [[Blacksmithing]]. He can raise the Blacksmithing level cap from 51-60, and 61-70.

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