====Returning to Human Form (temporarily)====
In order to make "being an animal" a viable path through the entire game, the next update (Sept 2014) adds some high-level [[Words of Power]] that can help. These Words apply an illusion to you that makes you look like a human for a minute or so -- just long enough to talk to NPCs that ignore animals!
Completing quests this way is a fairly laborious process, because you have to research the Words and each Word is usable only once. It is intended that being an animal is a hard play style. The "human form" Words of Power just ensure that animals can access important skills and equipment that they will need at higher level, even though it will be a bit of a pain.
Spiders can learn the 'Illusion' spell (that consumes one moonstone each time) to assume a human form illusion for a limited time.
To undo the transformation to a Deer, Rabbit or a Pig, a player will have to obtain a random drop Un-Deer potion or Un-Pig potion and drink that.<br>
To undo the transformation to a Spider the player will have to obtain an Un Spider potion from the [[Strange Spider]] in Serbule Crypts (who is guarded by the tough [[Rhino Guardian]]).<br>
Please note: <B> once a player has transformed to a Lycan (wolf), that CANNOT be undone ! </B>
→Returning to Human Form (temporarily)
====Seek out special NPC's====
There are unique opportunities for animal players. For instance, if you're playing as a Cow, Deer, or Pig, seek out the [[Suspicious Cow]], an NPC cow in the fields of Eltibule. She can sell you some '''animal-specific abilities''', and even has a unique dye recipe that is otherwise unobtainable ("drab grass green"). She also sells belts for each of those animal forms. Werewolves should look for [[Sanja]] the wolf, in the forests off the coast of Kur. And every animal player will find it helpful to talk to [[Flia]], a fairy in the wilds of Serbule.