Zhia Lian Event: A Hat From a Bat

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The Bat in the Hat: Hello again! Say, it looks like you could use a stylish hat for the season! Zhia Lian and I have been talking a lot recently and she has been teaching me some new tricks. Would you like a cool, stylish hat for the season? Then get me these items and I'll put something together for you. See you soon! Riiii!

This Quest can be repeated after 60 days.


The Bat in the Hat: Hello again! Say, it looks like you could use a stylish hat for the season! Zhia Lian and I have been talking a lot recently and she has been teaching me some new tricks. Would you like a cool, stylish hat for the season? Then get me these items and I'll put something together for you. See you soon! Riiii!



