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Button Blue.png
Old Town dock
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Offers Barter
The lamps were lit in Povus last night, so I stopped by to pick up any parcels. I have a standing agreement with Povus for chainmail and platemail.


Ishiko is a Rakshasa merchant who resells armor from Povus to Statehelm.


Ishiko can be found after 10am on a boat at the Old Town dock. She will only appear if all lights in the town were lit the previous night.


Ishiko does not use the favor system.



Ishiko offers to barter Councils and Town Level experience for Quality (or better) chainmail and platemail crafted through Armorsmithing. Each item of armor has a preset value of Town Level XP that will be granted for a trade. Rarity does not impact the XP earned. Ishiko pays half the value on equipment.

Example barters:

Give Receive
4 XP, 105+ Councils
6 XP, 126+ Councils
8 XP, 147+ Councils
10 XP, 168+ Councils
5 XP, 105+ Councils
7 XP, 126+ Councils
9 XP, 147+ Councils
11 XP, 168+ Councils


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - ???
[Like Family] Favor - ???


The lamps were lit in Povus last night, so I stopped by to pick up any parcels. I have a standing agreement with Povus for chainmail and platemail.

How does this work?

I have trade agreements with some of the smaller Rakshasa towns, including Povus. There are buyers lined up in Statehelm for quality hand-crafted chainmail and platemail. Sizing isn't too important, as long as it can fit on a human.

What's the exchange rate for metal armor?

The arrangement is simple: I pay half the armor's estimated sale value, in Councils, directly to you. Then I sell the armor in Statehelm and make a modest profit.

Half the cash value? That's not a very fair offer!

Well, I also pay in exposure! I'll tell everyone that the armor was made in Povus. Word of mouth will drive more business, and eventually this sorry town will recover! And it's all thanks to you! And me! We'll be heroes. Whaddaya say?

(In addition to a modest coin payout, giving Ishiko armor also earns Town XP for Povus, helping it level up).
