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[[File:Helena Veilmoor (npc).jpg|thumb|right|300px|She's dirty and annoyed, but she smiles when she catches your eye.]]
{{NPC infobox
|title            = Helena Veilmoor
|image            = [[File:Helena Veilmoor (npc).jpg|300px]]
|caption          = She's dirty and annoyed, but she smiles when she catches your eye.
|zone            = Eltibule
|town = Hogan's Keep
|location = Left of entrance.
|wander = Walks around courtyard to talk with other NPCs.
|anatomy = Human
|species = Human
|beastspeak      = No
|skilltrainer    = [[Psychology]]
|vendor          = Yes
|barter = Yes
Oh, yeah, the Veilmoor family is famous for its blacksmithing. The main family shop is in [[Statehelm]]. But you don't have to go that far for great deals!
Oh, yeah, the Veilmoor family is famous for its blacksmithing. The main family shop is in [[Statehelm]]. But you don't have to go that far for great deals!
[[Helena Veilmoor]] is the armor and weapons merchant of Hogan's Keep. Her high money pool and excellent prices make her probably the most valuable weapons and armor vendor to invest into.
'''Helena Veilmoor''' is the armor and weapons merchant of Hogan's Keep. Her high money pool and excellent prices make her probably the most valuable weapons and armor vendor to invest into.
Helena currently owes money to the Red Wing Gang, a group of Mantises. Helena's pineal juice dealer has ceased contact with her because of his fear of the gang.
== Location ==
Helena currently owes money to the Red Wing Gang, a group of four Mantises. Helena's pineal juice dealer has ceased contact with her because of his fear of the gang.
; [[Eltibule]]
; [[Eltibule]]
: Hogan's Keep (currently south on minimap due to mis-alignment, technically east)
: Hogan's Keep (currently south on minimap due to mis-alignment, technically east)
== Shopkeeper ==
[[Helena Veilmoor]] sells a full set of "Quality" weapons and armor (just one notch above "Basic"). These items aren't bad if you somehow ran a low level character all the way there.
* Weapons
{{Vendor items sold}}
* Armor
* Everything else (reduced price)
== Favor ==
{| {{STDT}}
===Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
! Favor Level !! Money Pool
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
| Best Friends || 80000
=== Hang Outs ===
[[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
| Soul Mates || 120000
{{Spoiler|Sharpen swords (3 hr) {{Favor|Comfortable}}|
:27 favor with Helena
:1 Quality Sword
Helena sells the full set of "Quality" weapons and armor (just one notch above "Basic"). These items aren't bad if you somehow ran a low level character all the way there.
| valign="top" width="50%"|
{| class="" style="width:300px"
{{vendor table row
| item = Quality Boots
| icon = basicboots
| cost = 252 gold
{{vendor table row
{{Spoiler|Play Rage Deck with Hogan and Braigon (4 hours)|
| item = Quality Pants
:35 favor with Helena
| icon = basicpants
:500 Psychology XP
| cost = 420 gold
{{vendor table row
{{Spoiler|Discuss the mantis gang that Helena owes money to (1 hour) {{Favor|Neutral}}|
  | item = Quality Breastplate
{{Quote|So yeah, there's four of these guys in this Red Wing Gang, all big dumb mantis people. I don't know mantis people from orcs, but they seemed pretty out of it. So I got them playing Rage Deck. I let them win a few then I did the double down a few times, where I bet them money I didn't have so I could keep playing expecting to clean them out. But they knew I was counting cards the whole time, because they could read my mind! They let me hang myself out to dry. I have never felt so humiliated. Or terrified. And now my pineal juice dealer wont talk to me because he says I "bring danger to his home." Whatever. I was trying to quit anyway.}}
| icon = basicbreastplate
| cost = 504 gold
:12 favor with Helena
:25 lore
{{vendor table row
{{Spoiler|Talk about Hogan (1 hour) {{Favor|Comfortable}}|
| item = Quality Gloves
{{Quote|And he just looks so muscular, working in the yard all day. Have you seen his arms? They're huge!
| icon = basicgloves
| cost = 252 gold
But yeah. Apparently he's not interested in me romantically at all. Life can be such bullcrap, you know?}}
:12 favor with Helena
{{vendor table row
| item = Quality Shield
| icon = basicshield
| cost = 252 gold
{{vendor table row
| item = Quality Helm
| icon = basichelm
| cost = 252 gold
{{vendor table row
| item = Quality Sword
| icon = basicsword
| cost = 400 gold
{{vendor table row
| item = Quality Cestus
| icon = basicknuckles
| cost = 240 gold
{{vendor table row
| item = Quality Staff
| icon = basicstaff
| cost = 400 gold
| valign="top" width="50%"|
{| class="" style="width:300px"
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Helena
mode = unordered
columns = 1
== Small Talk ==  <!-- remember to update the categories below! -->
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
* Hates Stupid Crap
* Hates Gross Monster Bits
== Training ==
* Loves Poetry {{Hint|Goblin Poetry +3.}}
* Likes Extremely Valuable Things {{Hint| Unpig Juice +163}}
* Likes Obsidian {{Hint|+26 or 13% at Comfortable.}}
* '''Game Night Is Calling''' : Obtain 10 Game Chips. {{Hint|Drops in Kur Tower, maybe lower level places?}}
* '''Paying Debts''' {{repeatable}} : Obtain 3 Obsidians (you can get these while learning [[Surveying]]).
* '''Obtain Bone Hooks''' [Comfortable] : Obtain 2 Bone Hooks.
; [[Psychology]]
; [[Psychology]]
: ''You Were Adopted'', ''You Were Adopted 2''
: ''You Were Adopted'' (at '''Friends'''), ''You Were Adopted 2''
: ''You Were Adopted 3'' -- at '''Best Friends'''
: ''You Were Adopted 3'' (at '''Best Friends''')
: ''Fast Talk''
: ''Fast Talk''
: ''But I Love You'', ''But I Love You 2'', ''But I Love You 3''
: ''But I Love You'' (at '''Friends'''), ''But I Love You 2'', ''But I Love You 3''
== Services ==
== Bartering ==
At {{Favor|Comfortable}}, Helena will offer to barter gear (of level 30 and random rarity<sup>needs confirmation</sup>) with you in exchange for [[Giant Mantis Claw]]s and [[Large Dinosaur Scale]]s:
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| rowspan="11" | {{Item|Giant Mantis Claw}} x2<br> {{Item|Large Dinosaur Scale}} x1 || {{Item|Quality Boots}}
| {{Item|Quality Pants}}
| {{Item|Quality Breastplate}}
| {{Item|Quality Gloves}}
| {{Item|Quality Helm}}
| {{Item|Quality Sword}}
| {{Item|Quality Staff}}
| {{Item|Quality Cestus}}
| {{Item|Quality Claw}}
| {{Item|Hunting Bow}}
| {{Item|Battle Hammer}}
==Hang Out==
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
*;Sharpen swords (3 hr)
:27 favor with Helena
|RiShin Friends =
:1 Quality Sword
|RiShin Family = 2 (Lv 40) items from: <br>{{Item|Quality Gloves}}, {{Item|Heavy Dirk}}, {{Item|Thentree Gloves}}, {{Item|Despair Orb}}, {{Item|Thentree Shield}}
*;Play Rage Deck with Hogan and Braigon (4 hours)
:35 favor with Helena
== Conversations ==
:500 Psychology XP
*;Discuss the mantis gang that Helena owes money to (1 hour)
So yeah, there's four of these guys in this Red Wing Gang, all big dumb mantis people. I don't know mantis people from orcs, but they seemed  pretty out of it. So I got them playing Rage Deck. I let them win a few then I did the double down a few times, where I bet them money i didn't have so i could keep playing expecting to clean them out. But they knew i was counting cards the whole time, because they could read my mind! They let me hang myself out to dry. i have never felt so humiliated. Or terrified. And now my pineal juice dealer wont talk to me because he says I "bring danger to his home." Whatever. I was trying to quit anyway."
:12 favor with Helena
:25 lore
*;Talk about Hogan (1 hour)
Helena said, "And he just looks so muscular, working in the yard all day. Have you seen his arms? They're huge!
But yeah. Apparently he's not interested in me romantically at all. Life can be such bullcrap, you know?"
You're all right, guy. Hey, you want to see my ''really'' good equipment? I'll trade you for some things I need to impress Hogan.
:12 favor with Helena
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Eltibule NPCs]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Skill Trainer]]
-Talk after favor reaches 'Comfortable'

Latest revision as of 21:41, 21 February 2023

Button Blue.png
Helena Veilmoor
Helena Veilmoor (npc).jpg
She's dirty and annoyed, but she smiles when she catches your eye.
Left of entrance.
Walks around courtyard to talk with other NPCs.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:
Offers Barter

Oh, yeah, the Veilmoor family is famous for its blacksmithing. The main family shop is in Statehelm. But you don't have to go that far for great deals!

Helena Veilmoor is the armor and weapons merchant of Hogan's Keep. Her high money pool and excellent prices make her probably the most valuable weapons and armor vendor to invest into.

Helena currently owes money to the Red Wing Gang, a group of Mantises. Helena's pineal juice dealer has ceased contact with her because of his fear of the gang.


Hogan's Keep (currently south on minimap due to mis-alignment, technically east)


Helena Veilmoor sells a full set of "Quality" weapons and armor (just one notch above "Basic"). These items aren't bad if you somehow ran a low level character all the way there.

Items Sold[view/edit]

 180 councils 
 226 councils 
 252 councils 
 180 councils 
 226 councils 
 180 councils 
 226 councils 
 150 councils 
 226 councils 
 226 councils 
 226 councils 
 226 councils 
 226 councils 
 226 councils 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Recipes and skill books
  • Everything else (reduced price of 20 councils)

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item [Expand] Weekly Pool
Neutral 200 10,000
Comfortable 200 10,000
Friends 400 20,000
Close Friends 800 40,000
Best Friends 1600 80,000
Like Family 2000 100,000
Soul Mates 2400 120,000


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Hates Stupid Crap
  • Hates Gross Monster Bits
  • Loves Poetry Hint
  • Likes Extremely Valuable Things Hint
  • Likes Obsidian Hint

Hang Outs


Sharpen swords (3 hr) [Comfortable]


Play Rage Deck with Hogan and Braigon (4 hours)


Discuss the mantis gang that Helena owes money to (1 hour) [Neutral]


Talk about Hogan (1 hour) [Comfortable]



You Were Adopted (at Friends), You Were Adopted 2
You Were Adopted 3 (at Best Friends)
Fast Talk
But I Love You (at Friends), But I Love You 2, But I Love You 3



At [Comfortable], Helena will offer to barter gear (of level 30 and random rarityneeds confirmation) with you in exchange for Giant Mantis Claws and Large Dinosaur Scales:

Give [Expand]Receive


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor -
[Like Family] Favor - 2 (Lv 40) items from:
, , , ,


You're all right, guy. Hey, you want to see my really good equipment? I'll trade you for some things I need to impress Hogan.

-Talk after favor reaches 'Comfortable'