Undead Anatomy
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
“Undead (creature type) include undead such as skeletons, zombies, and liches. This skill doesn't cover undead without bodies, such as ghosts and wraiths.
Undead Anatomy (a sub-skill of Anatomy) knowledge is gained by using the Autopsy Kit on creatures of this type.
Error: Item not foundOne of the books here describes the experiences of postmortem revivification.
"...the resulting 'un-dead' creature retains all the original memories and faculties, but it is no longer fueled by food or air. Instead, it is fueled by pure hatred, or in some cases, pure despair, avarice, or so on...
...as a consequence, the creatures tend to hunt down and destroy their former loved ones and terrorize everything they once knew."
Known Creatures
- Arbulekh
- Baruti
- Betra the Cold
- Bonfire Puck
- Chuckleflap
- Despair Puck
- Empusa
- Gajus the Big-Headed
- Gravamux
- James Eltibule
- Kamehaza
- Keerla
- Khyrulek
- Khyrulek's True Form
- Lady Eleanor
- Maligno
- Nameless Guardian
- Serisa Eltibule
- Urg-Ak Faqu
- Ursula
- Ancient Skeleton Guard
- Corpse Keeper
- Deceased Guardian
- Dilapidated Guardian
- Forgotten Skeletal Mage
- Ghoul
- Ghoul Crusher
- Ghoul Smasher
- Immortal Bulwark
- Immortal Warrior
- Invincible Bulwark
- Invincible Dinosaur
- Invincible Minion
- Invincible Ratkin Skeleton
- Lamia
- Mummy Rotter
- Mummy Wrapper
- Nigh-Invincible Warrior
- Noxious Flapskull
- Old Lamia
- Old Skeleton Guard
- Preserved Corpse
- Ratkin Skeleton
- Skeletal Gallimimus
- Skeletal Mega-Gallimimus
- Skeletal Mega-Triceratops
- Skeletal Sentry
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Assassin
- Skeleton Coldweaver
- Skeleton Corpse Keeper
- Skeleton Darkweaver
- Skeleton Death Shepherd
- Skeleton Dickweed
- Skeleton Dragger
- Skeleton Fire Master
- Skeleton Fire Wizard
- Skeleton Frostlord
- Skeleton Gardener
- Skeleton Guard
- Skeleton Ice Guard
- Skeleton Ice Wizard
- Skeleton Infiltrator
- Skeleton Instigator
- Skeleton Intruder
- Skeleton Knight
- Skeleton Ranger
- Skeleton Sentinel
- Skeleton Sentry
- Skeleton Slug-Tender
- Skeleton Sun Priest
- Skeleton Swordsman
- Skeleton Triceratops
- Skeleton Troublemaker
- Skeleton Vigilant
- Skeleton War Wizard
- Suicidal Skeleton
- Terror Lamia
- Toughened Skeleton Guard
- Undead Myconian
- Undying Ratkin Miner
- Unliving Ratkin Blaster
- Waterlogged Guardian
- Waterlogged Skeleton Sentinel
- Waterlogged Vigilant
- Weatherbeaten Skeleton Archer
- Wind-Addled Archer
- Your Mummy
Level Rewards
- Level 40: Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 5%)
- Level 45: +1 to Anatomy
- Level 48: Archery chance of critical hit: +1% (total 6%)