Special Settings

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Under settings, there is a Special tab where you can enter hidden game settings, one on each line. Some settings require the game to be restarted.


Option Value Required Usage Default Description
Yes 3DWindowX=0
Changes where the left/top starts of the 3D viewport are, from bottom left at (0,0) to top right at (1,1), and the width/height of the viewport, ranging from infinitessimal at 0 to full span at 1.
Yes AbilityTipsX=10
Lets you change where tooltips are anchored for your active ability bars. The values range from 0 to 100, going from the top left to bottom right. "A value of -1 will cause tips to be shown near the mouse instead" (unclear if this has to be X, Y, or both).
AppearanceRange No (?) AppearanceRange=200 100 (also the minimum) If "Experimental Optimizations" are turned on, some of the assets are unloaded for entities that are more than 100 meters away from you. This Special Setting allows the user to customize that range. Added March 25, 2021.
BookSaveToFile (deprecated) No BookSaveToFile Off Adds an option button to book windows to log the text to a file. This is no longer a Special Setting, as of March 25, 2021. It is now an option in the VIP tab. (Note: This feature will eventually only be available to players to pay a subscription fee.)
DisableScreenFlash No DisableScreenFlash On Disables screen flashing when taking damage
DoubleClickSpeed Yes DoubleClickSpeed=0.5 0.5 (seconds) Changes the required speed for double clicking items in the player's inventory. (This value is in seconds)
DontOptimizeMeshes No DontOptimizeMeshes Off Disables a particular graphics optimization related to meshes. Only use if you notice strange side effects. Requires a restart.
DualFloaties No DualFloaties Off Causes floaty damage numbers that affect both health and armor to be split into two separate numbers. (Normally they are combined into one number.)
EasyDropItems No EasyDropItems Off Allows the player to drop items by dragging them outside the Inventory window.
EntityShadows No EntityShadows Off Allows interactive elements (Signs, Lamps, Monsters) to cast shadows. They are turned off by default due to a problem in Unity 2017's shadow system.
Yes ErrorMessagesX=10
Lets you change where the error/informational message box is displayed on-screen. The values range from 0 to 100, going from the top left to bottom right. "A value of -100 will cause errors and informational messages to be hidden instead" (unclear if this has to be X, Y, or both).
ForceCheapShadows No ForceCheapShadows Off Forces simple shadow rendering. Only effective at graphics setting 3:Good or higher.
FPSUpdateRate Yes FPSUpdateRate=0.5 0.5 When the FPS display is active, this is how long (in seconds) that it averages your framerate before updating the display. Max is 10. Setting this to 3 or 4 can make it easier to tell if different configurations are having an aggregate impact on your framerate.
LogChat (deprecated) No LogChat Off Logs all chat heard to a file (per day) under the screen shot folder. This is no longer a Special Setting, as of March 25, 2021. It is now an option in the VIP tab. (Note: This feature will eventually only be available to players to pay a subscription fee.)
Match3HintTimer Yes Match3HintTimer=5 5 Sets how quickly, in seconds, 'hints' are shown in the match-3 minigames. A value of 0 disables hints. Set it to 0.1 to have essentially-instantaneous hints. Experienced players may prefer a setting of 15.
MaxActiveLoads Yes MaxActiveLoads=10 10 Increases the number of simultaneous assets that can be loaded in the loading screen. Temporarily increases memory usage during the loading screen. Improves loading screen time.
NoCull No NoCull Off Disables occlusion culling in certain areas. (Serbule, Serbule Hills, Gazluk Keep)
NoEffectWiggle No NoEffectWiggle On Disables the effect icon wiggle when it is about to wear off.
NoParticleSpam No NoParticleSpam Off Turns off all combat-effect particles cast by other players (except the ones in your Group). This is not recommended for long-term use because it's very confusing. Use for short-term use only (e.g. in crowded areas). Alternatively, you can temporarily turn this on/off with the chat-command /particlespam
OptimizeUI No OptimizeUI Off Enables an experimental optimization that slows down selection box placement when more than 15 entities are on the screen.
PlayerAnimationCutoff Yes PlayerAnimationCutoff=100 100 (meters) Changes the distance in which animations are rendered. This value is multiplied with the 'Entity Animation Distance Multiplier' in the Advanced Settings section. When not set, the game determines the distance based on area (ranging from 25-80).
PortraitFloaties No PortraitFloaties Off Causes damage numbers to descend from your portrait, rather than ascending from the player's head.
RecenterCursor No RecenterCursor Off for Windows. On for other OSes. Before the March 25, 2021 update the mouse-cursor was repositioned in the center of the screen after dragging the camera with a mouse-drag. This is now disabled by default for Windows (and hopefully for other OSes in the future). Add this Special Setting to return to the old behavior on Windows systems.
ReflectionProbeFps Yes ReflectionProbeFps=1 1 Changes the calculation rate for sky reflections. (Sky Reflections must be enabled)
SphereCull (deprecated) No SphereCull Off No description available, fixes hyper camera movement in towns. This is no longer a Special Setting, as of July 16, 2020. It is now shown as a checkbox on the Graphics setting window, on by default.
SuperScreenshotRes Yes SuperScreenshotRes=2 2 Determines the resolution of the 'Screen Shot: High Res' command. This is a multiplier (e.g. 2 = Current Resolution x 2).