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Revision as of 12:33, 7 May 2021 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (To-Do List)
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To-Do List

Basic Armor
Equipment Total Bonus

icon_101.png Max Armor

icon_105.png Health from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Armor from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Power from Combat Refresh Abilities

Animal Handling Chart

Creature Name Taming Level
Angry Bear 40
Bear Groupie 40
Blinding Wasp 73
Bloodhunter Bee 75 (Not currently tamable)
Bluntjaw the Bear 43
Bobbikins 43?
Brutal Tiger 94
Chopjaw 50
Deep Wasp 95
Drunk Sewer Rat 55
Fae Bear 73
Fae Bee 70
Fearless Sewer Rat 55
Fey Panther 23
Fey Panther Groupie 23
Fire Rat 18
Freeze Wasp 35
Giant Plains Rat 1
Giant Rat 5
Giant Razorslash Panther 60
Graz 40
Grimalkin 50
Guard Cat 55
Hearty Cave Rat 22
Hearty Swamp Rat 95
High-Quality Bear Specimen
Hissy 50
Ice Bear 40
Infernal Rat 90
Necro Rat 60
Old Fangsworth 20
Opportunistic Blinding Wasp ?
Opportunistic Island Rat 32
Opportunistic Turret Wasp
Panther 20
Pit-fighting Bear 40
Poorly-Trained Bear ?
Preserved Polar Bear 43
Razorslash Panther 45
Sewer Rat 2
The Magnifier 50
The Maimer 40
The Mangler 40
The Mutilator 35
Tiger 20
Trained Crushing Bear 40
Trained Horse-Hating Bear 40
Tundra Bear 70
Turret Wasp 75
Windbiter 30

Ability Test

Pages needing deletion

      Food List Testing


      Skill page item lists

      Items Sold by Vendors

      Fairy Wing-Change Potion Chart

      Type A&B - 1 profile.jpg Type A&B - 1.jpg
      Type A&B - 2 profile.jpg Type A&B - 2.jpg
      Type C&D - 1 profile.jpg Type C&D - 1.jpg
      Type C&D - 2 profile.jpg Type C&D - 2.jpg
      Type E&F - 1 profile.jpg Type E&F - 1.jpg
      Type E&F - 2 profile.jpg Type E&F - 2.jpg
      Type G&H - 1 profile.jpg Type G&H - 1.jpg
      Type G&H - 2 profile.jpg Type G&H - 2.jpg
      Type I - profile.jpg Type I.jpg

      Rowspan Abilities

      (abilities json, ability_13302)

      icon_2129.png Bear Claw (Pet)
      Slashing Damage
      Base Damage: X