Fire Rat

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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Fire Rat
Fire Rat.png
Cold, Electricity
Fire, Acid
Fire Rats are unusually flammable rodents spotted in the foothills of Eltibule.


Vitals: Health 150 Armor 57 Rage 213
Location: Southern valleys

Combat Abilities

Evasion, Projectile Evasion, Burst Evasion

icon_2129.png Fire Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2130.png Fire Damage Over Time


Skinning Bonus
Butchering Bonus
Skull Extraction

Reported Loot

General Loot

Level 10-25 Jewelry Level 10-25 Augment

Animal Handling Stats

Fire Rat
Animal Handling Level to Tame: 18
Maximum Bond Level: 80
Maximum Happiness: 100
Maximum Enthusiasm: 10
Additional Attributes: Evasion
Weak Against: Electricity, Cold
Resists: Fire, Acid
Basic Attack:
icon_2129.png Fire Damage
(7 damage),
icon_2130.png Fire Damage
(13 damage)
Sic 'Em Attack:
Level 1-14: icon_2136.png Reduce Rage -90 (8 damage) [Expand]
Level 15-29: icon_2136.png Reduce Rage -150 (21 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_2136.png Reduce Rage -210 (44 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_2136.png Reduce Rage -270 (83 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_2136.png Reduce Rage -380 (140 damage)
Level 75+: icon_2136.png Reduce Rage -500 (202 damage)
Special Trick:
Level 1-14: icon_3619.png Burn Target (80 Damage over 12 Seconds) (10 damage) [Expand]
Level 15-29: icon_3619.png Burn Target (160 Damage over 12 Seconds) (24 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_3619.png Burn Target (240 Damage over 12 Seconds) (51 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_3619.png Burn Target (320 Damage over 12 Seconds) (97 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_3619.png Burn Target (400 Damage over 12 Seconds) (164 damage)
Level 75+: icon_3619.png Burn Target (480 Damage over 12 Seconds) (235 damage)
Vitals at Tamed (22) Health 88 Armor 80
Vitals at Max (Lv80/Bond80) Health 596 Armor 451