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Jaime Fatholm

Revision as of 16:50, 8 August 2018 by Caleon (talk | contribs)
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Jaime Fatholm
Pouring over a map.
Beast Speak:
Yes (not bats)
Skill Trainer:
Surveying, Mining, Geology

[[Category:Serbule Hills NPCs]]

I used to carry about 50 pounds of equipment out into the field to do surveys. This red crystal stuff has changed surveying entirely! Now it's a lot faster.

Jaime Fatholm is an expert Surveyor living out of The Tapestry Inn in Serbule Hills.

What do you need?
Can you remind me how surveying works?
Oh come on, weren't you paying attention? I taught you the recipe for making surveys. To get started, make a Serbule Hills Rubywall Crystal Survey. It'll show you a spot on the map. Go there, use the survey again to verify, and dig up the gems. Then rinse and repeat.
So I should make a Serbule Hills Rubywall Crystal Survey, and then use the survey to find more red crystals?
You got it right, yep. Practice making some surveys and get a little nest egg of red crystals, and then I can teach you how to survey for better stuff.
Okay, thanks. What exactly are these red crystals?
I dunno, but they're a huge time saver! They're the whole reason I'm working from here instead of somewhere nice. My old survey techniques required a lot of time and effort out in the hot sun, using a theodolite, making topographic maps, testing soil, all kinds of hard work. But these magic crystals seem to know things about the land, and it's easy to tap into their power.
... Actually, you know, they really creep me out. They're kind of scary. And they seem to be growing on their own -- there's more of 'em around than there was just a year ago.
But since they're all over the place in Serbule and Serbule Hills, we might as well use 'em!


Jaime Fatholm is often found engrossed in her maps at the corner table of the Tapestry Inn in Serbule Hills.


Jaime sells a selection of supplies for use with Surveying.

Parchment Simple Parchment 7 gold
Parchment Basic Parchment 15 gold
Parchment Good Parchment 60 gold
Parchment Expert Parchment 105 gold
Parchment Master Parchment 150 gold
Parchment Amazing Parchment 195 gold
Ink Basic Ink 15 gold
Ink Advanced Ink 37 gold
Ink Expert Ink 75 gold
Icecore Inkstone 375 gold
Ink Ink Remover 37 gold
Book Blank Book 150 gold

Items Purchased [view/edit]

Jaime Fatholm/Items purchased

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Jaime Fatholm/Spending limits



Sells parchment and ink depending on favor level
Trains a large variety of surveys for Geology and Mining requiring high levels of favor

To obtain the Surveying skill, you first need to become comfortable with Jaime Fatholm in Serbule Hills. This can be done by completing her 2 initial favors, which require 6 hardboiled eggs and 5 healing potions.