Entertain Me: Bursts of Death

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Pennoc in Serbule told you to kill creatures using explosive blasts.

Psychology's Mock with a treasure effect that causes it to hit all enemies within 20 meters does not count. Mentalism's Panic Charge does not count.

The abilities in the Burst category work.


To start this quest, talk to Pennoc in Serbule. The quest is available at [Despised] favor.

You must have previously completed Entertain Me: Deer Hunting in order to undertake this quest.


Explosions are entertaining! Go explode some animals! Or monsters! Or whatever!

[ The killing blow must be made with a burst attack, such as a bomb or explosion. ]


  • Kill Creatures With Bursts
  • Talk to Pennoc



Rewards for Entertain Me: Bursts of Death