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Revision as of 14:35, 6 June 2018 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Causes of Death: Added Phobias and Delusions)
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A tombstone left behind by a player.

The art of dying.

Dying is a skill that represents the variety of unique ways in which a character has died. The skill unlocks small, but permanent bonuses to Max Health. It also gives access to a very useful ability, therefore it is actually a good idea for new players to try to get their characters killed in a variety of situations.

Bonus Experience

The first time your character dies in a unique way rewards bonus death experience. To see a list of the unique ways in which you've died previously (and how many times each), go to Skills panel > Dying and select the button there.

(Earned 50 Death XP)
(Bonus XP! First Death From This Cause!)

New ability

At level 10 the Dying skill grants a new choice in the Death dialog, to "Enter the light". This new ability grants access to a portal to random locations, along with portals to Serbule Keep and Rahu. These last two portals have 8-hour cooldowns, however.

Dying Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
10 New death action
20 +1 to Necromancy
25 +1 to Nature Appreciation
30 +1 to Necromancy
35 +1 to Holistic Wellness

Dying Stat Bonuses

Level Bonus Totals
10 Max Health +5 Max Health +5
20 Max Health +5 Max Health +10
30 Max Health +5 Max Health +15
40 Max Health +5 Max Health +20
50 Max Health +5 Max Health +25

Causes of Death

Item-icon-book.png Cause of Death Initial XP Repeated XP Hints
Alcohol Poisoning 50 0 Hint
Anti-regenerated 250 0 Hint
Arrowed 50 5 Hint
Attack reflected back at self 100 5 Hint
Bashed with a shield 50 5 Hint
Bashed with a stick 100 5 Hint
Battered by Hail 50 5 Hint
Battered by a tsunami 50 5 Hint
Bit by a Demonic Creature 50  ? Hint
Bit by a Fiery Animal 50 5 Hint
Bit by a Fox 50  ? Hint
Bit by a Pumpkin  ?  ? Hint
Bit by an imaginary fox 50 0 Hint
Bitten by a dinosaur 50 5 Hint
Bitten by a skull with wings glued onto it  ?  ? Hint
Bitten by diseased animal 50 5 Hint
Bitten repeatedly by swarms of insects 50 0 Hint
Blasted by Sonic Waves 50 5 Hint
Blasted by a sandstorm 50 1 Hint
Blasted with dark energy 100 0 Hint
Blood sucked out of body 50  ? Hint
Body temperature spontaneously lowered 50  ? Hint
Bombed with toxic chemicals 100  ? Hint
Bones Shattered 50  ? Hint
Brain aneurysm due to terrible music 50  ? Hint
Brain replaced by fungus 50  ? Hint
Breathed Mummy Fumes 50 5 Hint
Burned by otherworldly flames 50 5 Hint
Caught a thrown knife in the chest 50 1 Hint
Caught a thrown sword in the chest 50  ? Hint
Caught in Pumpkin Bomb 50 5 Hint
Charmed by a lamia  ?  ? Hint
Choked on spores 50 5 Hint
Clubbed On The Head  ?  ? Hint
Coated in Toxic Grease 50 1 Hint
Coated in electrified dragon spit 100  ? Hint
Complications from soul damage 50 5 Hint
Consumed by Dark Energy 50  ? Hint
Consumed by insects 50  ? Hint
Crossbowed 50 1 Hint
Crushed by a giant pincer 50 5 Hint
Crushed to death  ? 0 Hint
Cut By Small Thorns 50  ? Hint
Deadly Gas 50 5 Hint
Dehydration 50 0 Hint
Died from mysterious illness 50  ? Hint
Discomfort 1000 5 Hint
Drowned 100  ? Hint
Drowned in Blood 50  ? Hint
Eardrums Exploded 50  ? Hint
Eardrums exploded due to extreme screaming 100  ? Hint
Eaten by a worm 100  ? Hint
Eggs exploded out of abdomen 50 1 Hint
Electrocuted By a Portal 50  ? Hint
Electrocuted 100  ? Hint
Engulfed by Sentient Ice Slick 50 5 Hint
Engulfed in ticks and biting fleas 50 5 Hint
Entangled By a Mummy  ?  ? Hint
Exposure to freezing temperatures 50  ? Hint
Extremely Loud Music 50 5 Hint
Eyeballs Melted 50 5 Hint
Fatal Fever 50  ? Hint
Fatal Levels of Shame 500 5 Hint
Feet Crushed by Rocks 50 5 Hint
Fell Into a Bottomless Hole 50  ? Hint
Fell from great height 100  ? Hint
Fell from short distance 100 1 Hint
Fell off the world 100  ? Hint
Filled with otherworldly shrapnel 50  ? Hint
Filled with red-hot bone fragments 50 5 Hint
Filleted 50  ? Hint
Fire spell backfired 50 1 Hint
Flesh sloughed off 50  ? Hint
Food Poisoning 50  ? Hint
Forgot how to breathe 50 1 Hint
Frozen by flame  ?  ? Hint
Frozen to death 50 5 Hint
Gobbled up by your own might 50  ? Hint
Headbutted to death 50  ? Hint
Heart Attack after attacking a cow 50 5 Hint
Heart attack 200 5 Hint
Heart became undead 50 1 Hint
Hit by a Fungus Bullet 50  ? Hint
Hit by a rock 100 5 Hint
Hit by a whip-like tail 50  ? Hint
Hit with a Shovel 50 5 Hint
Hypnotic Suggestion 50 5 Hint
Impact from being thrown 100  ? Hint
Impacted with large opponent 100  ? Hint
Impaled on Flying Bones 50 0 Hint
Incinerated by a stationary flame source 100 5 Hint
Incinerated by an Inscrutable Intelligence 50 0 Hint
Incinerated 50  ? Hint
Injected with wolfsbane 50 5 Hint
Infested with fungus 100 5 Hint
Inhaled too much water 50 5 Hint
Innards teleported into a distant cloud 50  ? Hint
Innards teleported into a distant volcano 50  ? Hint
Innards teleported into the sea 50 5 Hint
Internal Organs Removed By Ghost  ?  ? Hint
Internal bleeding  ?  ? Hint
Ironically killed by a restorative arrow 50 1 Hint
Kicked by a Rabbit 50 0 Hint
Kicked to death 50  ? Hint
Killed by a Class 4 Nature Spirit 50  ? Hint
Killed by a Droach 100 1 Hint
Killed by a haunting spirit 75 5 Hint
Killed by a mollusc 100  ? Hint
Killed by a rune of power 100  ? Hint
Killed by a self-destructing automaton 100 5 Hint
Killed by a sentient weather phenomenon  ?  ? Hint
Killed by a spider 50 0 Hint
Killed by a worm 100  ? Hint
Killed by an Orc  ?  ? Hint
Killed by an aberration  ?  ? Hint
Killed by an angry insect 50 5 Hint
Killed by an enraged humanoid foe  ?  ? Hint
Killed by an enraged mollusc  ?  ? Hint
Killed by an enraged undead 50 5 Hint
Killed by an exploding animal 100 5 Hint
Killed by an insane cultist 50  ? Hint
Killed by an insane swordsman 50 5 Hint
Killed by an insect 50  ? Hint
Killed by cattle 100 5 Hint
Killed by the living dead 50 5 Hint
Krakened  ?  ? Hint
Leg bones snapped by zombie hands protruding from the ground 100 5 Hint
Licked by a Frog 50 5 Hint
Loss of blood 50 5 Hint
Loss of motor control 50 0 Hint
Lovetapped Too Hard 50 5 Hint
Made to Feel Totally Irrelevant 50 5 Hint
Mangled by a gigantic skeleton 100 5 Hint
Mauled by a pack of wild animals 50  ? Hint
Mauled by a wild animal 50 5 Hint
Mauled by an animal's rage attack 50  ? Hint
Melted by Acid 50 5 Hint
Mind Jellified By Psychic Ghost 50 5 Hint
Mind shattered by a burst of incredible pain 50  ? Hint
Murdered by a humanoid foe  ?  ? Hint
Murdered by seafood 500 5 Hint
Muscle Spasms 200 20 Hint
Organs liquified by poison  ?  ? Hint
Panic-attack while ensnared 50 5 Hint
Pecked by a Hippogriff  ?  ? Hint
Pecked to death by an angry bird 50  ? Hint
Perforated 50  ? Hint
Physical contact with raw unlife  ?  ? Hint
Played with a Sentient Ooze 50  ? Hint
Poisoned weapon 200 10 Hint
Poisoned with Iocaine 100 5 Hint
Poisoned 50 5 Hint
Psychic Encephalitis 200  ? Hint
Pulverized by a Golem 100  ? Hint
Pummeled partially into another dimension 50 0 Hint
Punched to death  ?  ? Hint
Pushed the wrong button 50  ? Hint
Ravaged by forces of nature 100  ? Hint
Ravaged by unnatural winds 50  ? Hint
Realized that life is meaningless 100  ? Hint
Rebuked by the Goddess of Warmth 50 5 Hint
Ripped apart by giant hooks 100 5 Hint
Rotted From Within 50  ?? Hint
Scapegoated 100 5 Hint
Scolded by the Goddess of Hope 50 5 Hint
Scratched by a Rabbit 50 0 Hint
Shot by a Pumpkin 50 5 Hint
Shot by a ballista 50 1 Hint
Slain by own magic  ?  ? Hint
Slashed by a Treant 50 5 Hint
Slashed by an illusion that was somehow all too real 50 5 Hint
Slashed to death by angry plant 50  ? Hint
Slashed to pieces 50  ? Hint
Slowly cooked alive  ?  ? Hint
Smote by a God of War 50 0 Hint
Smote by Admin 200 10 Hint
Soul absorbed by dark altar 100 5 Hint
Soul consumed by giant bat 50 5 Hint
Soul pummeled to tatters 50 5 Hint
Soul ripped from body to fuel another 100  ? Hint
Splashed with acid 50  ? Hint
Spontaneously exploded  ?  ? Hint
Stabbed with Ice Shards 50  ?? Hint
Stabbed with a knife 50 1 Hint
Staked through the heart 100  ? Hint
Stroke 200 5 Hint
Sudden Freezing Temperatures 200 5 Hint
Suicide by Immolation 100  ? Hint
Suicide by Poison 100 1 Hint
Surprised by Tragic Lullaby 50 5 Hint
Swam in acid 50 5 Hint
Terrified to Death 200 20 Hint
Torn to bits by a dinosaur 50 5 Hint
Touched by a tingly tentacle 50 0 Hint
Touched by a word of power 500 0 Hint
Touched Something Electrified 50 5 Hint
Unknown cause of death 0 0 Hint
Unnaturally Aged  ?  ? Hint
Vines In Veins 50  ? Hint
Willpower consumed by a plant 50  ? Hint

Post-Death Effects

Phobia: Rats - You're terrified of rats!
Phobia: Spiders - You're terrified of spiders of any size!
Phobia: Cakes - You're terrified of cakes and similar baked goods!
Phobia: Goblins - You're terrified of goblins, as well as anything associated with goblins!
Phobia: Dogs - You're terrified of dogs, wolves, and other canines!
Phobia: Reptiles - You're terrified of snakes and other reptiles!
Phobia: Opposite Sex - You're terrified of members of the opposite sex!
Phobia: Portals - You're terrified of magical portals!
Phobia: Bovines - You're terrified of cows!
Phobia: Trees - You're terrified of trees and other large vegetation!
Phobia: Water - You're deathly afraid of getting wet!
Phobia: Bridges - You're terrified by the idea of crossing a bridge!
Phobia: Dairy - You're deathly afraid of milk, cheese, or any food containing dairy products!
Phobia: Meat - You've become terrified of eating meat!
Delusion: Invisible Demons - You've become convinced that invisible demons are tracking you and obstructing your every effort.
Delusion: Candy Lands - Text
Delusion: Invisible Demons - You believe that everything around you is made of candy, cake, or other sugary treats!
Delusion: All Kings - You just realized that you're in the presence of nobility. In fact, EVERYONE around you is a King (or Queen) except you!
Delusion: Flight - You believe you can fly!
Delusion: Invisibility - You believe you've become entirely invisible, except to demons. Anyone who can see you must be a demon in disguise.
Delusion: Dance Party - You believe you're at a vast, world-encompassing dance party! Why isn't everyone else dancing? They're being so rude to your host!
Delusion: Dragon Assassin - You just remembered that you are a dragon in disguise, sent to assassinate a certain target!
Delusion: Third Arm - You seem to have an extra arm! How convenient!
Delusion: Face Fell Off - Oh no, your face fell off! You're hideous now!
Delusion: Secret Codes - You think everyone around you is speaking in a code language you can barely understand. What are they trying to hide?
Delusion: Loose Teeth - All your teeth are loose! You have to be really careful or they'll all fall out!
Delusion: No More Yellow - You lost the ability to see yellow things. They're completely invisible to you!
Delusion: No More Green - You lost the ability to see green things. They're completely invisible to you!
Delusion: Body Swap - You believe you've swapped bodies with another player. No doubt this is their fault!
Delusion: Unassailable Beauty - You've become the most beautiful person in the world!
Paranoid Delusion