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Revision as of 22:00, 22 April 2017 by Kingfury (talk | contribs) (typo)
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Annotated map thanks to Auth from the forums
Map of Gazluk (click for larger size)
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Area Level
Frozen Tundra

Gazluk is another frozen tundra similar to the Kur Mountains. New Prestonbule Cave is the only friendly zone. Outside of this there are several other towns, but these towns are inhabited by either Orcs, or Ghosts.

Points of Interest

New Prestonbule Cave

The New Prestonbule Cave is a friendly area inhabited by several friendly NPCs as well as workstations for Tanning and Cooking.

Ghost Town

This is the town just outside of the New Prestonbule Cave which is inhabited by several hostile Horrific Ghost.

Orc Town

As the name suggests, this is a large castle-like town populated by various types of hostile Orc. The entrance to Gazluk Keep can be found within its walls.

Abandoned Camp North

This camp appears to have once been an Orc encampment, but it is now deserted. This camp lies just West of the Orc town.

Abandoned Camp East

This camp appears to have once been an Orc encampment, but it is now deserted. This camp lies just East of the Snowblood Shadow Cave.

Abandoned Camp West

This camp appears to have once been an Orc encampment, but it is now deserted. This camp lies just North of New Prestonbule Cave.

Abandoned Camp South

This camp appears to have once been an Orc encampment, but it is now deserted. This camp lies just West of New Prestonbule Cave.

Glowing Crystals

These Glowy Yellow Crystals might provide some warmth, but stay away from them if you value your health. There are several groupings of them placed throughout the map.

Animal Camp

The animal camp is home to two NPCs so far: Fluffikins, and Trekker. This camp is also surrounded by the glowy yellow crystals, so watch out for them.

Gazluk Shadow Cave

The Gazluk Shadow Cave is a hostile cave near the Orc town.

Tower View Cave

The Tower view Cave is a hostile cave filled with many wolves. As the name suggests, the cave sits adjacent to a tower.

Amaluk Valley Cave

The Amaluk Valley Cave is another hostile cave that overlooks the Amaluk Valley. This one notably has a named wolf inside.

Foothills Cave

The Foothills Cave is a hostile cave in the northern-most part of Gazluk. This cave is home to various types of undead.

Snowblood Shadow Cave

The Snowblood Shadow Cave is a hostile cave just South of the glowing crystals. It is inhabited by snails.

Windy View Cave

The Windy View Cave is a hostile cave just West of the animal town. It houses various types of undead.

No-Name Cave

The No-Name Cave is a hostile cave located West of the South camp. This cave contains various types of poisonous plant enemies.


  • Ghost Town
  • Just South of the Northern-most abandoned Camp.
  • Just North-East of the Orc Town.
  • Directly North of New Prestonbule Cave.