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Revision as of 00:54, 14 January 2018 by Supsir (talk | contribs) (Quests)

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He's playing a lute with a far-off look in his eyes.
Skill Trainer:

[[Category:South Serbule NPCs]]

Rappanel the bard at your service! I'm looking for a new patron of the arts. And If may be so forward, I believe that person is you! What do you say? Pay for a song?

I lost everything when Dwyndarre was destroyed. A hundred years of getting my name out, earning patrons... all gone. So I decided to work these human lands Instead. There's fewer bards here, so I should make good money! Eventually. When word gets out.

Rappanel is a traveling Bard who was forced to relocate to the Serbule region after the destruction of Dwyndarre. He teaches friendly adventurers the skill of Bardin'. Rappanel spent eight years training at the Bard College of Jamurra. He is also friends iwth Joeh.

Rappanel can currently raise the level cap of Bard from 51-60, and from 61-70.


Rappanel is often found inside the Tapestry Inn, one of the small cottages along the main road through South Serbule.

Small Talk

  • Likes Pickled Fish
  • Loves Animal Horns
  • Loves Boar Tusks
  • Likes Fish Dishes


  • Ranalan Pickles: Obtain Pickled Fish



  • The Grapefish Roundup: Obtain 5 Grapefish (Comfortable)


  • The Grapefish Roundup, Part 2: Obtain 5 Grapefish Fillets


  • Real Catgut: Obtain Sinewy Cat Meat (Comfortable)



Bard Skill

Bard Levels 51-60

Bard Levels 61-70

Song of Bravery 1-7
Anthem of Avoidance 1-5
Blast of Defiance 1-7
Virtuoso's Ballad 4 & 5
Moment of Resolve 5-7
Blast of Fury 6 & 7
Song of Resurgence 6 & 7
Song of Discord 6 & 7
Rally 6 & 7
Entrancing Lullaby 4
Blast of Despair 5 & 6
Thunderous Note 6 & 6
Disharmony 6-8

info dump

Ranalan Pickles Text: Durstln behind the bar is good for a scrambled egg or a bit of fried bread, but he's just not willing to broaden his horizontal And yet right down the road is a rare delicacy: ranalan-style pickled fish Get some for me. I'll convince him to try them some evening, and he'll finally see what he's been missing. Look for the ranalans around the big lake. They like to leave pickling jars outside their huts. And don't worry -- they're not actually intelligent, they just seem that way. I read all about them In bard college back home In Verta.

Boar Tusk quest text: Have you met Joeh over In Serbule? He's a dirty one‘, Isn't he! I mean, I like to use food In the bedroom as much as the next elf, but his bacon fetish ls... well, I shouldn't judge. I guess we all get a little crazy, so far from home! And I have to admit that some of his Ideas sound intriguing. Did he tell you about the thing he does with the two boar tusks? It sounds painful to me, but I guess I have to try It: the bardic creed demands I gather Lore So... do you have any boar tusks, perchance?

Spoiler text.