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Revision as of 14:21, 12 March 2015 by Extractum11 (talk | contribs) (Updated recipes. Will add the rest as I level up and complete them. Adding ingredients soon)
File:Calligraphy (skill).jpg
Illustration of someone writing.

The art of writing things. Handy for... writing things. It's also a valuable art for swordsmen and other warriors, who can infuse their art with potent additional effects.

Calligraphy is the skill of word craft. It is used by players to empower their Sword skill abilities and write stories that can be deposited into bookcases. One such bookcase can be found in the town of Serbule. Note that a few of these books contain spoilers that other ingenuous players decided to share.

A table is required to use Calligraphy.

Joeh will eventually teach a bunch of Calligraphy Recipes for Combos after completing the Kill Tigers quest.


All the calligraphy recipes that can be obtained, either through leveling or items.

Name Combo Gained Passive Insight Level XP
Pain If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step deals 5 extra damage. None 01 15
Pain+ If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step deals 5 extra damage. Direct Slashing Damage +1 02 16
Breath If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + Parry in that order, the final step heals 10 health. None 03 30
Breath+ If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + Parry in that order, the final step heals 10 health. Healing from First Aid +5 04 33
Harm If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + ManyCuts + FinishingBlow in that order, the final step affects all enemies within 5 meters. None 05 45
Harm+ If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + ManyCuts + FinishingBlow in that order, the final step affects all enemies within 5 meters. Direct Slashing Damage +1 06 49
Agony If you execute SwordSlash + ManyCuts + Windstrike in that order, the final step deals 10 extra damage. None 07 60
Agony+ If you execute SwordSlash + ManyCuts + Windstrike in that order, the final step deals 10 extra damage. Direct Slashing Damage +1 08 66
Mangle If you execute ManyCuts + SwordSlash + Parry + WindStrike in that order, the final step deals 15 extra damage. None 09 75
Goblin+ If you execute ManyCuts + SwordSlash + Parry + WindStrike in that order, the final step deals 15 extra damage. Direct Slashing Damage +5% 10  ?
Mercy If you execute ManyCuts + SwordSlash + Parry in that order, the final step reduces enemy's rage by an extra 30. None 11 82
Mercy+ If you execute ManyCuts + SwordSlash + Parry in that order, the final step reduces enemy's rage by an extra 30. All attacks -5% rage 12 90
Evil If you execute Parry + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step deals 20 extra damage. None 13 90
Evil+ If you execute Parry + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step deals 20 extra damage. Direct Slashing Damage +5% 14 99
Violence If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + Parry + Windstrike in that order, the final step affects all enemies with 5 meters and does 5 extra damage. None 15 99
Violence+ If you execute SwordSlash + SwordSlash + Parry + Windstrike in that order, the final step affects all enemies with 5 meters and does 5 extra damage. Direct Slashing Damage +5% 16 108
Cunning If you execute Windstrike + SwordSlash + Parry in that order, the final step reduces enemy's rage by an extra 60. None 17 108
Cunning+ If you execute Windstrike + SwordSlash + Parry in that order, the final step reduces enemy's rage by an extra 60. All attacks -6% rage 18 118
Treachery If you execute SwordSlash + ManyCuts + Windstrike in that order, the final step affects all enemies within 5 meters and heals 15 power. None 19 118
Treachery+ If you execute SwordSlash + ManyCuts + Windstrike in that order, the final step affects all enemies within 5 meters and heals 15 power. Direct Slashing Damage +6% 20 129
Animality If you execute ManyCuts + Windstrike + SwordSlash in that order, the final step increases your regenerates your health by +2/sec for 15 seconds. None 21 129
Animality+ If you execute ManyCuts + Windstrike + SwordSlash in that order, the final step increases your regenerates your health by +2/sec for 15 seconds. Healing from First Aid +7 22 141
Vim If you execute Windstrike + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step increases regenerates your power by +2/sec for 15 seconds. None 23 141
Vim+ If you execute Windstrike + SwordSlash + ManyCuts in that order, the final step increases regenerates your power by +2/sec for 15 seconds. Healing from First Aid +9 24 155