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Katarina Eltibule

Revision as of 15:13, 2 May 2015 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Added missing s)
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The ghost of Katarina Eltibule is a tormented spirit kept chained as an anchor in the Dark Chapel. If you find her at the anchor room, she'll share some useful advice about the upcoming battle against Lord Sedgewick, and you'll be able to find some loot from a chest close to her. However, during the final battle, she will be summoned and controlled by Sedgewick himself, and sent to fight against you. Like any other incorporeal ghost, she will have to be stunned before any significant damage can be dealt to her.


Combat Abilities


Nigh-Invulnerable Until Stunned

Immune: Darkness

Effective: Nature, Electricity

Very Effective: Psychic

Ineffective: Crushing, Slashing, Piercing, Fire, Cold

  • Trauma Damage
  • Rage Heavy Darkness Damage Burst

Reported Loot

  • Ectoplasm.
  • Wood.
  • Pyrite.