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Project: Gorgon Wiki β


Joined 7 January 2017
Revision as of 16:47, 28 September 2020 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Version History)

Last updated September 2020


I'm alleryn in PG. Welcome to my user page. Feel free to contact me in-game, on the Discord, or on my talk page.



Version History

  • 101: Development Version. Expected Deployment ~9/30/2020. Planned Fixes/Improvements:
    • Incomplete:
      • Items with zero value like temporary fairy items should not produce information that they make good gifts.
      • Add some more info for some recipe results, including Meditation, Calligraphy, and recipes that produce CraftingEnhanceItem or AddItemTSysPower ResultEffects (will parse the description string and make the most (subjectively, i guess) important parts bold for ease of reading. Also fix the recipe for Rum-Glazed Shrimp, the only recipe (as of v338) to use the ResultEffects ConsumeItemUses, which should convey that it consumes only 2 doses of the rum barrel (it already says this in the description, but my recipe output doesn't display that info).
      • Recipes that don't behave deterministically, such as those that produce Surveying and Treasure Cartography maps (ResultEffects start with "Create"), as well as those that generate any enchanted item (ResultEffects are TSysCraftedEquipment or GiveTSysItem -- these are exactly those recipes (as of v338) which have "ProtoResults"), do not display properly or at all (the result item is missing). Also applies to ExtractTSysPower (extract augment recipes) which should display the augment type they create, e.g. Main-Hand Augment.
      • Recipes for the keyword Crystal are numerous and clog the readability of some recipe outputs (notably those for Vervadium, Glowy Yellow Crystal, and Winterprize). Separate these out. Also separate out the keywords CheapMeat, Equipment, and the various keywords for each equipment slot, not counting the belt or racial slot (these two slots do not have analagous keywords, augementation recipes, or shamanic infusion recipes), namely MainHand, OffHand, Head, Chest, Legs, Hands, Feet, Necklace, Ring. Also the keyword Shield, due to the many shield-wax recipes should be separated.
    • Complete:
      • Guild quests for keyword item (e.g. the prisms in Guild:Reclaiming_Lydia_(10-person)) should be found now.
      • Some work orders being placed in Quest Fulfillment table instead of Work Order section (happens when the work order is for an item with a given keyword instead of a specific item, e.g. the Lead Figurine work order. In addition to displaying incorrectly, this generates broken links. See, e.g. Lead_Figurine_of_an_Ogre#Quest_Fulfillment.)
      • With addition of ability pages, ability consumption section can link to abilities.
      • Edibles page should display skills correctly now (i.e. Ice Conjuration instead of (linkless) IceConjuration).
      • Meals, Snacks, and Instant-Snacks pages should have {{Item|}} Template replaced, so they can be embedded in the Gourmand page without exceeding the transclusion (node) limit.
      • Recipes that produce poisoned foods will no longer have erroneous links to the non-poisoned food pages. Instead in place of a link, there will be text reading 'Poisoned Food (no wiki page)'.
  • 100: First version run 9/16/2020.


  • Currently handles all item pages, apart from those where two items have the same name (a handful of these are handled by a special case, since they were deemed too important to skip). This functionality can be added in the future.
  • Skips items with "EquipSlot:" and with "Lint_NotObtainable" in "Keywords" (because they are numerous, and generally uninteresting since they can't be obtained in game by any normal means). Most of these do not have wiki pages at all, with the exception of a few admin items, the starting underwear, and a few other random uninteresting items (or maybe this is one of those 'only interesting because it would otherwise be uniquely uninteresting in a swath of interesting' type of deals (see, but probably not) like HumanClothBoots1.

Known Bugs/Potential Improvements

  • Medium Priority (may be added eventually if i have spare time)
    • Notes about unobtainable (Lint_NotObtainable) items, to avoid confusion (although this info is already present in the item infobox)
    • Does not correctly find all npc names that it should (affects Quests section)
  • Low Priority (unlikely to be added, unless someone thinks it's important)
    • Sometimes the Ability Consumption script will report some misleading data, as the "AmmoDescription" in abilities.json is not always precise. For example, Basic Shot will report consuming "Beginner's Arrow (or better)", correctly, but Multishot will report consuming "Beginner's Arrow x5" even though it can also use "(or better)" arrows.
    • Purchase info for work orders (from w.o. board), i.e. automatically add to Purchasing section which work order board the work order can be purchased from (info is currently available at the page for the item in the Quest Fulfillment section; this would add the info also to Purchasing section at the page for the work order for the item.

Other Projects

  • Updating Merchants.
    • Completed:
      • Basic restructuring via templates.
      • Added/converted rows for all vendors on Category:Vendor
      • Prettying it up
        • Left/right/mid alignments
        • Recoloring of region name bars
    • To do:
      • Confirmation and data entry (ongoing). All help is greatly appreciated :)
  • Future project(s):
    • Sidebar page. Some info already available: User:Alleryn/Sandbox/Sidebar_Abilities
    • Updates to Fairy page. Scripts to generate info on FaeMetalArmor and Help the Hive Quests
    • Nature_Appreciation Bouquets, Arrangements, and Displays section needs to be redone
    • Update Bartering templates to use {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} (It turns out this was a bad idea, because it didn't play well with dpl).

Unmaintained Scripts

  • Template:Attribute and Template:Attribute label. I have scripts to generate these, but at this time i do not run them. Feel free to contact me if you would like me to update either of these pages, or if you would like the source code i use to generate those pages.


Putting this here because i'm not sure where to put it:

  • There are some idiosyncrasies between various usages of keywords. One thing to notice is that recipes.json and npcs.json sometimes use a keyword of the form "EquipmentSlot:x", e.g., "EquipmentSlot:Ring". There are even some npcs who like items with the keyword "Ring" and others who like items with the keyword "EquipmentSlot:Ring". However items.json does not have any keywords like "EquipmentSlot:x". Items instead will usually (or maybe always) have two identical keywords, for example most (or all rings) have "Ring" listed twice in their keywords (and similarly for other slots). Here on the wiki, there is just one item category for Ring.

Other Info

If you are curious what i'm failing horribly to get working ingeniously figuring out how to do, you can check out my /Sandbox. (Really this link is mostly here for my own convenience).