Template:Item icon
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
Revision as of 23:24, 15 March 2017 by Arindor (talk | contribs) (Add a check in the default clause to look for a colon in the page title. If found, show recipe icon instead of Item not found error. Used for the many skill recipes not listed. Also can act as default so recipes with normal icon need not be listed.)
This template accepts an item name as input and returns the in-game icon. This template is used by both Template:Item and Template:Loot. See the Examples section below.
{{Item icon|<name>|<size selection>}}
- <name>
- The name of the icon. It must match exactly what is displayed in-game (e.g. "Red Apple", not "Apple" or "red apple")
- If omitted or empty, template returns a blank icon image.
- If no match is found, template returns an error.
- <size selection>
- 1 or 32 for 32x32.
- 2 or 64 for 64x64.
- If omitted, empty, or anything else, image isn't resized.
Standard Use
{{Item icon|Glowy Yellow Crystal}} {{Item icon|Ice Core}} {{Item icon}} {{Item icon|FakeItemReturnsError}}
Error: Item not found
{{Item icon|Glowy Yellow Crystal}} <!-- default size is 64x64 --> {{Item icon|Ice Core}} <!-- default size is 32x32 --> {{Item icon|Glowy Yellow Crystal|32}} {{Item icon|Ice Core|64}}
Alternative Resizing (old method)
You can also manually resize the images if you wish (using the template just wraps the image in this span automatically).
<span class="extimage32px">{{Item icon|Salt}}</span> <span class="extimage64px">{{Item icon|Salt}}</span>
Sometimes items appear in-game that share the same displayed name but have different internal names. Often future patches rename one of them to prevent conflicts, but a few persist. This wiki resolves the issue by renaming the less-likely to be searched for item.
One example is and . Both are called just "Daisy" in-game, but the Lute has an InternalName (found in the items json) of "Daisy" and the flower has an InternalName of "Flower5".Icon Codes for Items Sharing a Name
| Daisy = 5283 | Daisy (Lute) = 5380
Code Required for other templates
These two lines are required for Template:NPC training row, Template:NPC training unlock row, and Template:Recipe to work properly.
| scroll = 4003 | Unlock = 109