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  • Add recipes/flesh out item pages
    • Flowers
    • Seaweed
    • See Wool
    • Gems - done except for Ilmari gems and gems attuned to certain skills/forms through Sigil Scripting
  • Fix pages that use Ring

Training (Old)


Unlock Necromancy Skill Levels 51 - 60 -- at Friends.
Raise Skeletal Archer 3, Death's Hold 4
Raise Skeletal Archer 4, Provoke Undead 4
Wave of Darkness 3, Life Crush 4, Heal Undead 6
Raise Skeletal Swordsman 4, Rebuild Undead 6
Spark of Death 4, Create Shambling Corpse 4
Life Steal 4, Heart's Power 2
Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 3

Training (New #1)


Skeletalarcher Raise Skeletal Archer 3 6800 gold
Necromancy5160 Necromancy Levels 51-60
Req. Friends
20000 gold
Deathshold Death's Hold 4 9750 gold
Skeletalarcher Raise Skeletal Archer 4 9800 gold
Provokeundead Provoke Undead 4 9850 gold
Waveofdarkness Wave of Darkness 3 9900 gold
Lifecrush Life Crush 4 9950 gold
Healundead Heal Undead 6 11500 gold
Skeletalswordsman Raise Skeletal Swordsman 4 11550 gold
Rebuildundead Rebuild Undead 6 11600 gold
Sparkofdeath Spark of Death 4 11650 gold
Shamblingcorpse Create Shambling Corpse 4 11700 gold
Lifesteal Life Steal 4 11700 gold
Heartspower Heart's Power 2 11700 gold
Skeletalbattlemage Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 3 14750 gold

Training (New #2 -- Deprecated)

Lvl Icon Ability Cost Favor
42 icon_2199.png Raise Skeletal Archer 3 6800  ?
50 Necromancy5160 Necromancy Levels 51-60 20000 Friends
51 icon_3427.png Death's Hold 4 9750  ?
52 icon_2199.png Raise Skeletal Archer 4 9800  ?
53 icon_2237.png Provoke Undead 4 9850  ?
54 icon_3429.png Wave of Darkness 3 9900  ?
55 icon_3043.png Life Crush 4 9950  ?
56 icon_2196.png Heal Undead 6 11500  ?
57 icon_2201.png Raise Skeletal Swordsman 4 11550  ?
58 icon_2236.png Rebuild Undead 6 11600  ?
59 icon_3430.png Spark of Death 4 11650  ?
60 Error: Ability not found Create Shambling Corpse 4 11700  ?
60 icon_2198.png Life Steal 4 11700  ?
60 icon_2197.png Heart's Power 2 11700  ?
61 icon_2200.png Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 3 14750  ?

Training (BetaNotus Template -- In Use)


; [[Skill Name]]
: {|
! Unlock
! Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
 | Icon = Unlock
 | item = 
 | skilllevel = 
 | cost = 
 | favor = ?
{{NPC training row
 | ability = 
 | recipe = 
 | skilllevel = 
 | cost = 
 | favor = ?


Ability/Recipe Level Cost Favor
icon_2199.png Raise Skeletal Archer 3  42    6800 councils   [?] 
 50    20000 councils   [Friends] 
icon_3427.png Death's Hold 4  51    9750 councils   [?] 
icon_2199.png Raise Skeletal Archer 4  52    9800 councils   [?] 
icon_2237.png Provoke Undead 4  53    9850 councils   [?] 
icon_3429.png Wave of Darkness 3  54    9900 councils   [?] 
icon_3043.png Life Crush 4  55    9950 councils   [?] 
icon_2196.png Heal Undead 6  56    11500 councils   [?] 
icon_2201.png Raise Skeletal Swordsman 4  57    11550 councils   [?] 
icon_2236.png Rebuild Undead 6  58    11600 councils   [?] 
icon_3430.png Spark of Death 4  59    11650 councils   [?] 
Error: Ability not found Create Shambling Corpse 4  60    11700 councils   [?] 
icon_2198.png Life Steal 4  60    11700 councils   [?] 
icon_2197.png Heart's Power 2  60    11700 councils   [?] 
icon_2200.png Raise Skeletal Battle Mage 3  61    14750 councils   [?] 

Also see Ichin the Ice Master.


Bartering:Skeleton Death Shepherd

For Reference