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A spice with a bitter, fennely taste.
Value: 90

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



Monster [Expand] Location
Fae Bear Fae Realm
Fae Bee Fae Realm
Grimalkin Ilmari
Guard Cat War Cache
Necro Rat Rahu Sewer
Opportunistic Turret Wasp Fae Realm
Phoenix Fae Realm
Ratkin Fishtender Rahu Sewer
Scray Ranalon Den
Scray Sun Vale
Scray Fish Bowl Cavern
Scray Povus
Smallish Scorpion War Cache
Snow Leaper Gazluk
Snow Leaper No-Name Cave
Snow Leaper War Cache
Starving Tundra Wolf Gazluk
Starving Tundra Wolf Amaluk Valley Cave
Turret Wasp Fae Realm
Turret Wasp The Wintertide


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Cooking [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
55 Ruktagh icon_5457.png Red Pepper x2
icon_5726.png Corn x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5022.png Potato x3
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_6222.png Ruktagh x2
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
57 Cavefish Supper icon_5034.png Cavefish Fillet x2
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5622.png Lemon x2
icon_5777.png Vegetable Oil x1
icon_5038.png Cavefish Supper x2
63 Onion Chicken icon_5223.png Raw Great Chicken x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5024.png Onion x1
icon_5130.png Onion Chicken x1
63 Trish icon_5036.png Green Vexfish Fillet x2
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5622.png Lemon x1
icon_5676.png Rahu Rice x1
icon_5127.png Trish x2
65 Autumn Salad icon_6281.png Escarole x2
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x3
icon_5707.png Almonds x3
icon_5342.png Danablu Cheese x1 (!)
icon_5820.png Autumn Salad x3
70 Vexfish Lettuce Wraps icon_6281.png Escarole x1
icon_5036.png Green Vexfish Fillet x2
icon_6279.png Basil x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5819.png Vexfish Lettuce Wraps x2
77 Turkey Stir-Fry icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5726.png Corn x1
icon_6285.png Peas x1
icon_5292.png Muntok Peppercorns x1
icon_5672.png Seaweed x1
icon_5130.png Turkey Stir-Fry x2
Sushi Preparation [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
20 Amberjack Nigiri icon_5037.png Amberjack Fillet x2
icon_5676.png Rahu Rice x2
icon_5680.png Expert's Vinegar x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5674.png Amberjack Nigiri x2
25 Yellow Perch Nigiri icon_5037.png Yellow Perch Fillet x2
icon_5676.png Rahu Rice x2
icon_5680.png Secret Vinegar x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5674.png Yellow Perch Nigiri x2
30 Amberjack Sushi Roll icon_5037.png Amberjack Fillet x2
icon_5676.png Rahu Rice x2
icon_5680.png Expert's Vinegar x2
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5675.png Amberjack Sushi Roll x2
32 Yellow Perch Sushi Roll icon_5037.png Yellow Perch Fillet x2
icon_5676.png Rahu Rice x2
icon_5680.png Secret Vinegar x2
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5675.png Yellow Perch Sushi Roll x2


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Mandibles Red Wing Casino Likes (Cooking Ingredients)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment


Other Uses
