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Words of Power

12 bytes removed, 08:50, 12 October 2014
Minor fix H4 to H3.
Power words must be MANUALLY recorded to either [[User_interface#The_Quest_Log|the notepad in the quest log]] or some outside document or is LOST FOREVER! (suggest to write it down in the Quest window notepad, that way you can quickly cut and paste it to chat when you are ready to use it).
'''Level 0 Words of Power''' can be very useful to new players. It often produces Teleports which will save time travelling (and even after learning Teleportation it may be a cheaper alternative to using up your Amethysts). Unlike Level 2, which produces lots of questionable effects like ''Leprosy'' or ''Fear of Water'' ... Level 0 tend to produce mostly useful effects. They are pretty cheap to produce and the Crab Meat can be processed from Raw Crab without a Cooking Stove nearby (ie. when you fish crab).
====Word of Power (Level 0)====
; Utility
====Word of Power 2 (Level 3)====
; Teleports
====Word of Power 3 (Level 5)====
; Utility
====Word of Power 4 (Level 7)====
; Utility
====Word of Power 5 (Level 9)====
<references />

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