Added Cure Arachnia, Cure Bovinity
: ''Word of Power: Teleport to Crystal Cavern'' ... Speaking this word teleports you to a cavern beneath a giant red crystal.
: ''Word of Power: Teleport to Hogan's Keep'' ... Speaking this word teleports you to the courtyard north of Eltibule Keep.
; Experience
: ''Word of Power: Unarmed Knowledge'' ... Speaking this word grants you 500 Unarmed XP.
; Utility
: ''Word of Power: Increase inventory'' ... Increase inventory by 20 for 1 hour. {{Hint|Useful for holding water and fertilizer while
: ''Word of Power: Whiney Voice'' ... Taunt (aggro) for 15 minutes.
; Cure Beast Forms
: ''Cure Arachnia''
: ''Cure Bovinity''
; Miscellaneous
: ''Word of Power: Unnatural Gravity'' ... Speaking this word of power causes you to weigh less, but your bones become extremely brittle. You can jump higher, but take more damage from falling. Lasts 5 minutes.