,→Causes of Death: Added Phobias and Delusions
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== Post-Death Effects ==
===== Phobias =====
:'''Phobia: Rats''' - You're terrified of rats!
:'''Phobia: Spiders''' - You're terrified of spiders of any size!
:'''Phobia: Cakes''' - You're terrified of cakes and similar baked goods!
:'''Phobia: Goblins''' - You're terrified of goblins, as well as anything associated with goblins!
:'''Phobia: Dogs''' - You're terrified of dogs, wolves, and other canines!
:'''Phobia: Reptiles''' - You're terrified of snakes and other reptiles!
:'''Phobia: Opposite Sex''' - You're terrified of members of the opposite sex!
:'''Phobia: Portals''' - You're terrified of magical portals!
:'''Phobia: Bovines''' - You're terrified of cows!
:'''Phobia: Trees''' - You're terrified of trees and other large vegetation!
:'''Phobia: Water''' - You're deathly afraid of getting wet!
:'''Phobia: Bridges''' - You're terrified by the idea of crossing a bridge!
:'''Phobia: Dairy''' - You're deathly afraid of milk, cheese, or any food containing dairy products!
:'''Phobia: Meat''' - You've become terrified of eating meat!
===== Delusions =====
:'''Delusion: Invisible Demons''' - You've become convinced that invisible demons are tracking you and obstructing your every effort.
:'''Delusion: Candy Lands''' - Text
:'''Delusion: Invisible Demons''' - You believe that everything around you is made of candy, cake, or other sugary treats!
:'''Delusion: All Kings''' - You just realized that you're in the presence of nobility. In fact, EVERYONE around you is a King (or Queen) except you!
:'''Delusion: Flight''' - You believe you can fly!
:'''Delusion: Invisibility''' - You believe you've become entirely invisible, except to demons. Anyone who can see you must be a demon in disguise.
:'''Delusion: Dance Party''' - You believe you're at a vast, world-encompassing dance party! Why isn't everyone else dancing? They're being so rude to your host!
:'''Delusion: Dragon Assassin''' - You just remembered that you are a dragon in disguise, sent to assassinate a certain target!
:'''Delusion: Third Arm''' - You seem to have an extra arm! How convenient!
:'''Delusion: Face Fell Off''' - Oh no, your face fell off! You're hideous now!
:'''Delusion: Secret Codes''' - You think everyone around you is speaking in a code language you can barely understand. What are they trying to hide?
:'''Delusion: Loose Teeth''' - All your teeth are loose! You have to be really careful or they'll all fall out!
:'''Delusion: No More Yellow''' - You lost the ability to see yellow things. They're completely invisible to you!
:'''Delusion: No More Green''' - You lost the ability to see green things. They're completely invisible to you!
:'''Delusion: Body Swap''' - You believe you've swapped bodies with another player. No doubt this is their fault!
:'''Delusion: Unassailable Beauty''' - You've become the most beautiful person in the world!
===== Paranoia =====
===== Dementia =====
===== Paranoid Delusion =====
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Other Skills]]