,→Post-Death Effects: Added Dementia, Paranoid Delusions, and other death effects.
:'''Delusion: Unassailable Beauty''' - You've become the most beautiful person in the world!
===== Paranoia =====
:'''Paranoia: Working With Goblins''' - You've just realized that everyone you know is a goblin spy!
:'''Paranoia: Stealing Your Money''' - You've just realized that everyone you know is trying to steal your money!
:'''Paranoia: Look The Fool''' - Everyone you know is trying hard to make you look like a fool. The most frustrating part is they won't admit it!
:'''Paranoia: Eye Beams''' - Everyone is trying to get you to make eye contact so they can steal your soul!
===== Dementia =====
:'''Dementia: Rhymes''' - You find that you can only speak in rhyme! (Whew, good thing slant rhymes are okay!)
:'''Dementia: Riddles''' - You find that you can only speak in riddles!
:'''Dementia: Mute''' - You can't speak! You can only pantomime!
:'''Dementia: Pronoun Trouble''' - "When you say a pronoun (like 'him' or 'her' or 'me' or 'them') it comes out as a gibberish word!
:'''Dementia: No Number Three''' - You can no longer understand the concept of the number three! Even the word has no meaning to you!
:'''Dementia: Gender Swap''' - You now perceive all males as females, and vice versa!
:'''Dementia: Molly-Coddle''' - You keep saying molly-coddle all the time! What does that even mean?
:'''Dementia: Counting''' - You feel compelled to count everything you see. Out loud!
:'''Dementia: Hopping''' - You can't walk; you can only hop!
:'''Dementia: The Queen''' - You believe you're the Queen of a distant land. You expect to be treated like visiting royalty.
:'''Dementia: Money Is Fake''' - You just noticed that all of your money is counterfeit! You're broke!
:'''Dementia: Ostrich''' - You believe you are a large flightless bird with a dangerous beak.
:'''Dementia: Sasquatch''' - You keep seeing a hairy ape-man in the corner of your eye. Is he friend or foe?
:'''Dementia: No more R''' - You lost the ability to say the letter R or pronounce an R sound.
:'''Dementia: Text''' - Text
===== Paranoid Delusion =====
:'''Paranoid Delusion: Bats''' - Tiny bats are flying everywhere. They keep trying to fly down your throat and choke you to death!===== Other Innate Effects =====:'''Manic Laughter''' - Everything is hilarious! You can't stop laughing!:'''Depression''' - Everything is so sad! You can't stop crying!
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Other Skills]]