Added temporary DPL to track changes.
|caption = The art of taming animals and teaching them to fight alongside you.
|skilltype = Combat Skill
|maxlevel = 70 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
|req = None
|skilltrainers = [[Gisli]]
{{Quote|source=Developer Blog <ref>http://www.eldergame.com/2012/07/a-little-more-about-evil-undead-and-pet-classes/ A little more about evil, undead, and pet classes</ref>|
Animal Handlers spend a ton of time with their '''pets''', raising and training them. Ancillary skills like '''Animal Husbandry''' let them breed pets to get the best genes for fighting (and best colors and appearances!). Animal Handlers have a lot of versatility because they can summon different pets for different problems, but they have to spend a lot of time out of combat raising these pets. (Hopefully this is a fun activity for them, though! It’s aimed at people who think raising and breeding virtual animals sounds fun.)
==ReferencesTesting List==<references dpl>category = Animal Handling Creaturesnotcategory = Formatting templatesmode = unorderedcolumns = 3</dpl>
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Combat Skills]]