; [[Sewer Rat]] Tamed at level 2: 61 armor, 116 health, 9 Dmg Crush / Slash.: Special Abilities: Rage debuff, Poison vulnerability debuff.: Weak against: Fire, Electricity: Resists: Poison, Trauma. 20% Evasion. {{Spoiler|Click to See Level 60 stats|Expect at level 60: 340 Armor, 426 Health, 72 Dmg.}}<dpl>; [[Giant Rat]] Tamed at level 5: 87 armor, 106 Health, 6 Dmg Crush / Slash.category = Animal Handling Creatures: Special Abilities: Rage debuff, Heal owner.category = Rodent: Weak against: Fire, Electricitynotcategory = Formatting templates: Resists: Poison, Trauma.mode = unordered {{Spoiler|Click to See Level 70 stats|Expect at level 70: 567 Armor (497 from level, 70 from Bond), 717 Health (437 from level, 280 from Bond), 197 Dmg. Evasion 26%, Rage debuff: -380, Heal owner: 150.}}columns = 1; [[Hearty Cave Rat]] Tamed at level 22: 129 armor, 143 health, 24 Dmg Crush </ Slash.: Special Abilities: Rage debuff, Heal Owner.: Weak against: Fire, Electricity: Resists: Poison, Trauma. High Evasion. {{Spoiler|Click to See Level 70 stats|Expect at level 70: 567 Armor (497 from level, 70 from Bond), 717 Health (437 from level, 280 from Bond), 197 Dmg. Evasion 26%, Rage debuff: -380, Heal owner: 150.}}dpl>
category = Animal Handling Creatures
notcategory = Formatting templates
mode = unordered
columns = 3
Added dpl in place of rodents.
=== Rats ===
'''Rats''' are generally the first animal Animal Handlers will learn to '''Charm''' and '''Tame.''' Higher level rats may provide a Poison Vulnerability Debuff, and some species of Rats are reported to exhibit high Evasion & Crit.
=== Felines ===
: Weak against: Poison, Trauma.
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level 70 stats|Level 70: 641 Armor, 786 health, 218 Dmg.}}
<dpl>category = Animal Handling Creaturescategory = Felinenotcategory = Formatting templatesmode = unorderedcolumns = 3</dpl>
=== Bears ===
Bears are difficult to tame req lvl40, but loyal partners. Some bears deal heavy damage, while others are tanks. Most bears are weak against Electricity and Acids.
: Resists: Crush, Trauma, Ice (very).
{{Spoiler|Click to See Level max stats|Bond Level 70: 600 Armor, 982 Health, 238 Dmg.}}
<dpl>category = Animal Handling Creaturescategory = Bear and Bugbearnotcategory = Formatting templatesmode = unorderedcolumns = 3</dpl>
=== Grimalkins ===
[[Grimalkin]]s are a species of [[Feline]].
==Testing List==
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Combat Skills]]