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<!--  see http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Template:NPC_infobox for details on this info box (and easy copy/paste). If an NPC does not require all the attributes, you may delete them. For example, if the NPC is not a skilltrainer, than "|skilltrainer =" can be left blank. -->
{{NPC infobox
{{NPC infobox
|title            = Brianna Willer
|title            = Brianna Willer
|image            = [[File:Brianna Willer (npc).png|300px]] <!-- Make sure to include an image, even if you do not have one ready to upload. It will show in [[Special:WantedFiles]]. -->
|image            = [[File:Brianna_Willer.png|350px]]
|caption          = NPC Description here. <!-- This caption comes from the in-game text above the NPC's head -->
|caption          = She looked annoyed
|zone            = South Serbule
|zone            = Serbule Hills
|location        = Her farm
|location        = Her farm
|beastspeak      = All <!-- animals that the npc is known to speak too, See the NPC Infobox page for more information. -->
|anatomy = Human
|skilltrainer    = Brewing
|species = Human
|vendor          = vendor
|beastspeak      = Yes
|beastlist = All
|skilltrainer    = [[Brewing]]
|vendor          = Yes
|barter = Yes
{{Quote|source= [[Brianna Willer]]| Well, I mean, that'd be stabbin' my own foot with the hoe, right? I'm the only brewer for miles, and even so, I only sell a few barrels a month. Competition would put me out of business!
[[Brianna Willer]] is a [[Gardening|farmer]] and [[Brewing|brewer]] living in the region of [[Serbule Hills]]. She considers beer making her passion, and produces a few kegs every month for the local inns and bars. Brianna has never been married, but claims to have had a 'special suitor' when she was younger.
{{Quote| <!-- This quote should be something informative about the NPC, or express their personality. -->
[[Brianna Willer|Brianna]] is generally wary of sharing information with strangers. [[Therese]] is willing to provide an introduction, but only for her {{Favor|Close Friends}}.
add a quote from brianna.
: Yes, Brianna Willer! She's a pretty human lady in Serbule Hills. I met her when I was searching the nearby lands for fellow gardeners. Durstin from the Tapestry Inn introduced us.
'''So Brianna is a gardener?'''
: Yes! In fact, she's an expert on, um, 'alternative gardening.' And I think she might be flattered if you showed up and asked her for gardening advice. You're such an apt student that I'm running out of things to teach you!
'''How do I find Brianna?'''
: Her farm's in Serbule Hills, just travel south from here and you should see it eventually.
: Tell her you're my friend, and she'll at least be willing to talk to you. Bring dahlias, she likes those!
: Oh, and another bit of advice: there's another gardener in Eltibule named Gretchen. Stay away from her; she's a horrible, horrible person!
[[Brianna Willer]] is a farmer in the area of [[South Serbule]]. She is quite distrusting and will only interact with a player after Therese has introduced the player. <!-- Add a brief description of the NPC -->
[[Brianna Willer|Brianna]] was introduced to [[Therese]] by [[Durstin Tallow]]. Brianna treats Therese as a friend, but is convinced that any gestures Therese makes towards her have ulterior purposes.
{{Quote|source= [[Brianna Willer]]|
Hahaha! 'Alternative Farming?! Therese is adorable. Which is the only reason I haven't slapped her. She just doesn't take no for an answer! I'd be more pissed off if she wasn't an elf. But you've gotta make exceptions for elves, 'cuz of their nature.
I know why she really sent you: she's buttering me up. She's been trying to get in my pants for a month now. And you can tell her to forget it! I don't swing that way, and Therese knows it!
<!-- Add other information about the NPC. Lore, relationships, ect. -->
== Location ==
== Location ==
; [[South Serbule]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->
; [[Serbule Hills]]  
: [[Brianna Willer]] is always near her farm in [[South Serbule]]. <!-- This could be a town or location such as [[Serbule Keep]], [[Hogan's Keep]], or [[Amulna]]. You may also want to describe their location with more details.  -->
: [[Brianna Willer]] is always near her farmhouse in [[Serbule Hills]].
== Shopkeeper ==
[[Brianna Willer]] sells brewing supplies and some gardening supplies
{{Vendor items sold}}
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) -->
== Favor ==
<!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. -->
===Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
<!-- Money Pool *should* be affected (?), but atm it seems bugged. -->
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
<!--  Add an introductory sentence or two briefly explains what this merchant has to offer. -->
=== Favor Rewards ===
[[Brianna]] sells ...  to be included  (the items below come from the NPC template)
<!-- Now, add the items the NPC has for sale. Make sure to spell the item names exactly as they appear in-game. The table for [[Velkort]] was used here to save space. -->
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}.|
: [[Brewing]] is available for Training.
{{vendor item row
| item = Basic Staff
| cost = 57
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Friends}}.|
| item = Salt
: {{Item|Barley Seeds}}x10
| cost = 7
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
=== Hang Outs ===
| item = Lucky Belt of The War Wizard
[[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
| cost = 225
{{Spoiler|Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains ''' (3 hours) {{Favor|Neutral}}|
| favor = above Neutral
{{Quote|You missed another one! There! No, smaller. See, under your thumb. Yes, it's small now, but in a few weeks it'd become a full-sized weed. You should take some pride in your work! Okay, fine! Thanks for your help. I'll do the rest later.}}
:: 25 favor with Brianna Willer
:: {{Item|Strange Dirt}} x1
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Help Brianna prepare barley for beer ''' (4 hours) {{Favor|Comfortable}} - Complete '''Earlier Hang Out'''|
| item = Lucky Belt of The Master Exploder
{{Quote|How's the shucking coming along? Well, okay, that's enough for now. Hm? That barley over there? No, no, that's eatin' barley! I use the low-protein barley for brewing, and the high-protein barley for bread. I'm all out of bread or I'd let you taste some. But here: let me write down my recipe for you.}}
| cost = 225
:: 40 Favor
| favor = above Neutral
:: {{Recipe|Barley Bread}}
==Small Talk== <!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->
* Loves Dahlias
* Loves Moss Agates
* Likes Barrels
<!-- Add a short sentence describing the quests the NPC offers. -->
[[Brianna Willer]] offers a few quests around the [[South Serbule]] region.
<!-- Each quest should be linked, to be added as a separate page.
  {{Favor|requirement}} should be indicated. If the Quest requires a prior quest to be completed, also list it here.
  If there is dialogue worth recording about the quest, add it on the quest page.
  Consider using Template:Hint for spoiler-y material.
* [[Quest name]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - What to do. {{Hint|You can find deer around the southern end of Serbule!}}
<spoiler show="Reward for Quest name">
Reward: 50 favor, 100 First Aid XP, 100 Armor Patching XP
== Rewards ==
<!-- List rewards from favor tiers. -->
; At {{Favor|Comfortable}}
: {{Item|brianna item}} x2
; At {{Favor|Friends}}
: {{Item|brianna item}} (with random enchant).
== Quests ==
[[Brianna Willer]] offers a few quests around the [[Serbule Hills]] region.
category = Quests/Brianna Willer
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
== Training ==
[[Brianna Willer]] will only train [[Brewing]] skills if you have been introduced to her by Therese. <!-- If needed, write a sentence about training requirements. -->
[[Brianna Willer]] will train [[Brewing]] skills to anyone who has both been introduced by [[Therese]], and reached {{Favor|Comfortable}} Favor with Brianna.
<!-- List the abilities the NPC trains by skill. -->
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Brewing]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training row
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Beet Vodka
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Goblin Ale Keg
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Orcish Bock (One Glass)
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Orcish Bock Keg
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Brown Ale (One Glass)
|favor=Like Family
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Brown Ale Keg
Table missing many recipes.
::  a table of skills to be included
== Services ==
== Bartering ==
At {{Favor|Friends}}, Brianna will offer to barter with you:
{| class="wikitable"
| {{Item|Barley}} x6 || {{Item|Hops}} x1
| {{Item|Barrel}} x1 || {{Item|Hops}} x5
|rowspan="4"| {{Item|Hops}} x1 || {{Item|Barley Seeds}} x5
| {{Item|Large Strawberry}} x1
| {{Item|Orange}} x1
| {{Item|Banana}} x1
== Services == <!-- List some of the services offered by the NPC. Consignment, Storage, Bartering, or unique options. Rappanel plays music if paid, and Ashk the Answerer tells fortunes that grant buffs. -->
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
; Bartering <!-- If the NPC offers a bartering system, add a page for that. -->
|RiShin Friends ={{Item|Barley Seeds}} x10
{{:Bartering:Brianna Willer}}
|RiShin Family = {{Item|Amulet of Competent Unarmed Fighting}} (Lv 20), {{Item|Barley Seeds}} x10
== Hang Outs == <!-- List NPC Hang Outs -->
== Conversations ==
*''' Weed entire garden while Brianna watches and complains ''' (4 hours) {{Favor|Neutral}}
[[Category:NPCs]] [[Category:Favor/Small Talk]][[Category:Favor/Rewards]][[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
<spoiler show="Reward for Title of first hang out">
:28.62 favor
:Strange dirt
*''' Help Brianna prepare barley for beer ''' (4 hours) {{Favor|Comfortable}} - Complete '''Earlier Hang Out'''
<spoiler show="Reward for Title of second hang out">
:35 favor with Braigon
:500 Cheesemaking XP
Now, add the NPC Category [[Category:NPCs]]. Also add the proper category for the NPC's location. [[Category: Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: South Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: Eltibule NPCs]], ect.
If the NPC is also in a location, add that tag too! [[Category: Serbule Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Hogan's Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Amulna NPCs]]
Also add an anatomy type for the NPC. [[Category: Human]], [[Category: Elven]], [[Category: Fey]] (Rakshasa, Goblin, Giant, Fungoid, Canine et al.).
If the NPC is a vendor (they buy or sell items), add [[Category: Vendor]].
If the NPC trains or teaches a skill, add [[Category: Skill Trainer]].
If they barter, [[Category: Bartering]].
If they offer consignment, [[Category: Consignment]].
If they offer storage, [[Category: Storage]].
If they talk to animals, [[Category: Talks to Animals]]. -->
[[Category: South Serbule NPCs]] [[Category: Skill Trainer]]

Revision as of 05:28, 21 February 2023

Button Blue.png
Brianna Willer
Brianna Willer.png
She looked annoyed
Her farm
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Skill Trainer:
Offers Barter

Well, I mean, that'd be stabbin' my own foot with the hoe, right? I'm the only brewer for miles, and even so, I only sell a few barrels a month. Competition would put me out of business!

Brianna Willer

Brianna Willer is a farmer and brewer living in the region of Serbule Hills. She considers beer making her passion, and produces a few kegs every month for the local inns and bars. Brianna has never been married, but claims to have had a 'special suitor' when she was younger.

Brianna is generally wary of sharing information with strangers. Therese is willing to provide an introduction, but only for her [Close Friends].

Yes, Brianna Willer! She's a pretty human lady in Serbule Hills. I met her when I was searching the nearby lands for fellow gardeners. Durstin from the Tapestry Inn introduced us.

So Brianna is a gardener?

Yes! In fact, she's an expert on, um, 'alternative gardening.' And I think she might be flattered if you showed up and asked her for gardening advice. You're such an apt student that I'm running out of things to teach you!

How do I find Brianna?

Her farm's in Serbule Hills, just travel south from here and you should see it eventually.
Tell her you're my friend, and she'll at least be willing to talk to you. Bring dahlias, she likes those!
Oh, and another bit of advice: there's another gardener in Eltibule named Gretchen. Stay away from her; she's a horrible, horrible person!


Brianna was introduced to Therese by Durstin Tallow. Brianna treats Therese as a friend, but is convinced that any gestures Therese makes towards her have ulterior purposes.

Hahaha! 'Alternative Farming?! Therese is adorable. Which is the only reason I haven't slapped her. She just doesn't take no for an answer! I'd be more pissed off if she wasn't an elf. But you've gotta make exceptions for elves, 'cuz of their nature.

I know why she really sent you: she's buttering me up. She's been trying to get in my pants for a month now. And you can tell her to forget it! I don't swing that way, and Therese knows it!

Brianna Willer


Serbule Hills
Brianna Willer is always near her farmhouse in Serbule Hills.


Brianna Willer sells brewing supplies and some gardening supplies

Items Sold[view/edit]

 7 councils   [??] 
 9 councils   [??] 
 12 councils   [??] 
 15 councils   [??] 
 19 councils   [??] 
 22 councils   [??] 
 100 councils   [??] 
 5 for 7 councils   [??] 
 25 councils   [??] 
 60 councils   [??] 
 105 councils   [Close Friends] 
 160 councils   [Best Friends] 
 225 councils   [Like Family] 
 300 councils   [Soul Mates] 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Any brewing flavor ingredients - Rat Tails, Mushroom Powders, herbs, etc.
  • Seeds

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Friends 10,000
Close Friends 300 15,000
Best Friends 20,000
Like Family
Soul Mates


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Loves Dahlias Hint
  • Loves Moss Agates Hint
  • Likes Barrels Hint

Favor Rewards

Reward at [Comfortable].

Brewing is available for Training.

Reward at [Friends].

Hang Outs

Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains (3 hours) [Neutral]

You missed another one! There! No, smaller. See, under your thumb. Yes, it's small now, but in a few weeks it'd become a full-sized weed. You should take some pride in your work! Okay, fine! Thanks for your help. I'll do the rest later.

25 favor with Brianna Willer

Help Brianna prepare barley for beer (4 hours) [Comfortable] - Complete Earlier Hang Out'

How's the shucking coming along? Well, okay, that's enough for now. Hm? That barley over there? No, no, that's eatin' barley! I use the low-protein barley for brewing, and the high-protein barley for bread. I'm all out of bread or I'd let you taste some. But here: let me write down my recipe for you.

40 Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5111.png Barley Bread


Brianna Willer offers a few quests around the Serbule Hills region.


Brianna Willer will train Brewing skills to anyone who has both been introduced by Therese, and reached [Comfortable] Favor with Brianna.

Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5744.png Marzen  ?    ? councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5722.png Beet Vodka  ?    ? councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5745.png Goblin Ale Keg  ?    2900 councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5744.png Orcish Bock (One Glass)  ?    3132 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5745.png Orcish Bock Keg  ?    4566 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5744.png Brown Ale (One Glass)  50    4800 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5745.png Brown Ale Keg  53    6566 councils   [?] 

Table missing many recipes.



At [Friends], Brianna will offer to barter with you:

Give Receive
x6 x1
x1 x5
x1 x5


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - x10
[Like Family] Favor - (Lv 20), x10
