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{{NPC infobox
|title            = Pegast
|image            = [[File:Pegast (npc).png|400px]]
|Zone=Fae Realm
|caption          = Scanning the horizon for danger
|Location= Found in the [[Fel-Dasculan Ruins]].
|zone            = Fae Realm
|town = Fel-Dasculan Ruins
|location        = Found in the [[Fel-Dasculan Ruins]].
|SkillsTrainer=[[Unarmed]], [[Sword]], [[Staff]], [[Shield]], [[Knife Fighting]], [[Armor Patching]]
|anatomy = Fae
|IsVendor= Yes
|species = Fairy
|NPCQuote= I'm happy I was already lifebound out here. It seemed like a risky move when I did it a few decades ago, though! But now guess who's not being tortured? This genius right here!
|beastspeak      = Yes
|BriefDescription= [[Pegast]] is a Fairy found at the top of a staircase in the [[Fel-Dasculan Ruins]] of the [[Fae Realm]].
|beastlist = All
|skilltrainer    = [[Unarmed]], [[Sword]], [[Staff]], [[Shield]],<br> [[Knife Fighting]], [[Armor Patching]]
|NPCShopIntro=Pegast does not sell any items.
|vendor          = Yes
|QuestDescription= [[Pegast]] wishes to protect his fellow Fairies in hiding, and offers quests to deal with threats in the [[Fae Realm]].
{{Quote| I'm happy I was already lifebound out here. It seemed like a risky move when I did it a few decades ago, though! But now guess who's not being tortured? This genius right here!
[[Pegast]] is a Fairy found at the top of a staircase in the [[Fel-Dasculan Ruins]] of the [[Fae Realm]].
|TrainingDescription=[[Pegast]] will begin to train abilities in [[Unarmed]], [[Sword]], [[Staff]], [[Shield]], [[Knife Fighting]], and [[Armor Patching]] if you reach {{Favor|Comfortable}} with him.
== Location ==
; [[Fae Realm]]
: [[Pegast]] is found in the [[Fel-Dasculan Ruins]].
== Shopkeeper ==
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor ==
===Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
===Favor Rewards===
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}.|
:{{Item|Grouper Gropers}} of red or higher rarity.
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Friends}}.|
:{{Item|Symbol-Etched Boots}} of red or higher rarity.
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Close Friends}}.|
:{{Item|Fairy Dirk}} of red or higher rarity.
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Best Friends}}.|
:{{Item|Dream-Keeper's Shield}} of red or higher rarity.
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Like Family}}.|
:{{Item|Birch Pants}} Level 80 with red or higher rarity.
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Pegast
notcategory = Quests/Fae Quests
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
==== Fairy Quests ====
[[Pegast]] offers quests only available to Fairy characters.
category = Quests/Pegast
category = Quests/Fae Quests
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
[[Pegast]] will begin to train abilities in [[Unarmed]], [[Sword]], [[Staff]], [[Shield]], [[Knife Fighting]], and [[Armor Patching]] if you reach {{favor|Comfortable}} with him.
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Unarmed]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Unarmed{{pipe}}Unlock Unarmed Skill Levels 71-80
|skilllevel = 70
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}}x3 & 400,000
|favor= Comfortable
{{NPC training row
|ability=Slashing Strike 3
|skilllevel= 71
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,750
{{NPC training row
|ability=Front Kick 7
|skilllevel= 75
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,950
{{NPC training row
|ability=Bodyslam 6
|skilllevel= 76
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,500
{{NPC training row
|ability=Hip Throw 6
|skilllevel= 77
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Mamba Strike
|skilllevel= 77
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Headbutt 8
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Punch 8
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Cobra Strike 6
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
|favor=Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|ability=Bruising Blow 6
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|ability=Infuriating Fist 5
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
|ability=Slashing Strike 4
|skilllevel= 81
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,250
|favor=Like Family
{{NPC training row
|ability=Barrage 7
|skilllevel= 83
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,350
|favor=Like Family
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Sword]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Sword{{pipe}}Unlock Sword Skill Levels 71-80
|skilllevel = 70
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}}x3 & 400,000
|favor= Comfortable
{{NPC training row
|ability=Finishing Blow 5
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,900
{{NPC training row
|ability=Thrusting Blade 5
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,950
{{NPC training row
|ability=Many Cuts 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,500
{{NPC training row
|ability=Hacking Blade 5
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Wind Strike 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,600
|favor= Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|ability=Heart Piercer 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
|favor= Close Friends
{{NPC training row
|ability=Flashing Strike 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,250
{{NPC training row
|ability=Sword Slash 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,350
{{NPC training row
|ability=Parry 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,350
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Staff]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Staff{{pipe}}Unlock Staff Skill Levels 71-80
|skilllevel = 70
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}}x3 & 400,000
|favor= Comfortable
{{NPC training row
|ability=Lunge 6
|skilllevel= 72
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 18000
{{NPC training row
|ability=Suppress 5
|skilllevel= 75
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,800
{{NPC training row
|ability=Headcracker 5
|skilllevel= 75
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,950
{{NPC training row
|ability=Smash 6
|skilllevel= 76
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,500
{{NPC training row
|ability=Blocking Stance 5
|skilllevel= 77
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Strategic Thrust 6
|skilllevel= 78
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,600
{{NPC training row
|ability=Heed The Stick 6
|skilllevel= 79
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,650
{{NPC training row
|ability=Double Hit 6
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Lunge 7
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Redirect 4
|skilllevel= 81
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27.250
{{NPC training row
|ability=Pinning Slash 4
|skilllevel= 81
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,250
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Shield]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Shield{{pipe}}Unlock Shield Skill Levels 71-80
|skilllevel = 70
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}}x3 & 400,000
|favor= Comfortable
{{NPC training row
|ability=Infuriating Bash 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,850
{{NPC training row
|ability=Finish It 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19.900
{{NPC training row
|ability=Elemental Ward 4
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,900
{{NPC training row
|ability=Rapid Recovery 7
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,950
{{NPC training row
|ability=Strategic Preparation 5
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Fire Shield 6
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Take The Lead 6
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,600
{{NPC training row
|ability=Emergency Bash 8
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,650
{{NPC training row
|ability=Fight Me You Fools 8
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,650
{{NPC training row
|ability=Reinforce 8
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Disrupting Bash 8
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,250
{{NPC training row
|ability=Quick Bash 8
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,300
{{NPC training row
|ability=Shield Team 6
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,300
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Knife Fighting]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Knife Fighting{{pipe}}Unlock Knife Fighting Skill Levels 71-80
|skilllevel = 70
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}}x3 & 400,000
|favor= Comfortable
{{NPC training row
|ability=Blur Cut 8
|skilllevel= 74
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,900
{{NPC training row
|ability=Hamstring Throw 8
|skilllevel= 74
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,900
{{NPC training row
|ability=Poisoner's Cut 5
|skilllevel= 75
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,950
{{NPC training row
|ability=Gut 8
|skilllevel= 75
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 19,950
{{NPC training row
|ability=Fending Blade 6
|skilllevel= 76
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,500
{{NPC training row
|ability=Venomstrike 8
|skilllevel= 77
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,550
{{NPC training row
|ability=Surprise Throw 8
|skilllevel= 78
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,600
{{NPC training row
|ability=Backstab 8
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Surge Cut 8
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Fan of Blades 6
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|ability=Opening Thrust 9
|skilllevel= 81
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,250
{{NPC training row
|ability=Slice 9
|skilllevel= 83
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,350
{{NPC training row
|ability=Duelist's Slash 9
|skilllevel= 83
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 27,350
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Armor Patching]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Armor Patching{{pipe}}Unlock Armor Patching Skill Levels 71-80
|skilllevel = 70
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}}x3 & 300,000
|favor= Comfortable
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Acidic Wax: Advanced Flesh-Melter
|cost={{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 11,466
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Safety Wax: Extra-Thick Shellac
|skilllevel= 75
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 13,300
{{NPC training row
|ability=Patch Armor 9
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 22,700
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Acidic Wax: Fancy Flesh-Melter
|skilllevel= 80
|cost= {{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 15,133
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Safety Wax: Extreme Shellac
|skilllevel= 85
|cost={{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 18,300
{{NPC training row
|recipe=Idiot-Proof Safety Wax #3
|skilllevel= 85
|cost={{Item|Royal Jelly}} & 18,300
== Events ==
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = {{Item|Finesse Targe}} (lv80)
|RiShin Friends = {{Item|Finesse Targe}} (Lv 80)
|RiShin Family = {{Item|Finesse Targe}} (lv80), 5x {{Item|Astounding Armor Kit}}
|RiShin Family = {{Item|Finesse Targe}} (Lv 80), {{Item|Astounding Armor Patch Kit}} x5
== Conversations ==
=== Talk ===
{{Quote|Are you here to arm yourself? Makes sense! I've been collecting appropriate armaments for some time, if you want to take a look.}}
{{Quote|You might want to steer clear of that [[Marrowchomp]] fellow. He helped us out early on, and in return I helped him soulbind here. I think we all sleep better knowing he likes to prowl for enemies at night. ... Buuuuuut... he sometimes eats mortals.}}
{{Quote|Have you seen my friend [[Fazzi]]? We were on a rescue mission in the [[Winter Nexus|Nexus]], but our team was overwhelmed and [[Fazzi]] refused to flee.
No, I'm worried about her, I'm sure she's fine. I was just hoping she'd come home soon!}}
=== Small Talk ===
{{Spoiler|Variation 1|
{{Quote|I'm happy I was already lifebound out here. It seemed like a risky move when I did it a few decades ago, though! But now guess who's not being tortured? This genius right here!}}
== Conversations ==
{{Spoiler|Variation 2|
{{Quote|My hive was mostly obliterated during the Winter Invasion. We knew they were coming, but we didn't expect the attack to happen at the very moment of the queen's Coronation!}}
{{Spoiler|Variation 3|
I managed to pull [[Midge]], [[Floxie]], and [[Crelpin]] here after the disaster in sector A14. I have friends on the Autumn Defiant, and they helped. Speaking of which, I think we may soon have a few more survivors arriving!
But a word of warning: [[Floxie]] has vivid memories of what she thinks happened, but that's not the story I heard from my other friends. I'm not saying she's lying! I just think she's confused. So don't read too much into her words.}}

Latest revision as of 03:39, 27 March 2023

Button Blue.png
Pegast (npc).png
Scanning the horizon for danger
Found in the Fel-Dasculan Ruins.
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Skill Trainer:

I'm happy I was already lifebound out here. It seemed like a risky move when I did it a few decades ago, though! But now guess who's not being tortured? This genius right here!

Pegast is a Fairy found at the top of a staircase in the Fel-Dasculan Ruins of the Fae Realm.


Fae Realm
Pegast is found in the Fel-Dasculan Ruins.


Items Sold[view/edit]

 15 councils 
 30 councils 
 75 councils 
 150 councils 
 10 councils 
 15 councils 
 37 councils 
 102 councils 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 150
Comfortable 7,500
Friends 300 15,000
Close Friends 750 30,000
Best Friends
Like Family
Soul Mates 100,000


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Loves Magical Dirks Hint
  • Likes Metal Helms Hint
  • Likes Beer
  • Hates

Favor Rewards

Reward at [Comfortable].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Friends].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Close Friends].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Best Friends].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Like Family].

Level 80 with red or higher rarity.


Fairy Quests

Pegast offers quests only available to Fairy characters.


Pegast will begin to train abilities in Unarmed, Sword, Staff, Shield, Knife Fighting, and Armor Patching if you reach [Comfortable] with him.

Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 70    x3 & 400,000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3486.png Slashing Strike 3  71     & 19,750 councils 
icon_2155.png Front Kick 7  75     & 19,950 councils 
icon_3322.png Bodyslam 6  76     & 22,500 councils 
icon_2110.png Hip Throw 6  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_2240.png Mamba Strike  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_3323.png Headbutt 8  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_2119.png Punch 8  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_2105.png Cobra Strike 6  80     & 22,700 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_2241.png Bruising Blow 6  80     & 22,700 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_3627.png Infuriating Fist 5  80     & 22,700 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_3486.png Slashing Strike 4  81     & 27,250 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_2102.png Barrage 7  83     & 27,350 councils   [Like Family] 
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 70    x3 & 400,000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_2106.png Finishing Blow 5  74     & 19,900 councils 
icon_3445.png Thrusting Blade 5  75     & 19,950 councils 
icon_2113.png Many Cuts 7  76     & 22,500 councils 
icon_3024.png Hacking Blade 5  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_2128.png Wind Strike 7  78     & 22,600 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_3444.png Heart Piercer 7  80     & 22,700 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_3443.png Flashing Strike 7  81     & 27,250 councils 
icon_2121.png Sword Slash 7  83     & 27,350 councils 
icon_2115.png Parry 7  83     & 27,350 councils 
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 70    x3 & 400,000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_2189.png Lunge 6  72     & 18000 councils 
icon_3413.png Suppress 5  75     & 19,800 councils 
icon_3423.png Headcracker 5  75     & 19,950 councils 
icon_2193.png Smash 6  76     & 22,500 councils 
icon_2192.png Blocking Stance 5  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_3419.png Strategic Thrust 6  78     & 22,600 councils 
icon_3422.png Heed The Stick 6  79     & 22,650 councils 
icon_2190.png Double Hit 6  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_2189.png Lunge 7  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_2188.png Redirect 4  81     & 27.250 councils 
icon_3488.png Pinning Slash 4  81     & 27,250 councils 
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 70    x3 & 400,000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3448.png Infuriating Bash 7  73     & 19,850 councils 
icon_3640.png Finish It 7  74     & 19.900 councils 
icon_3641.png Elemental Ward 4  75     & 19,900 councils 
icon_3639.png Rapid Recovery 7  75     & 19,950 councils 
icon_3458.png Strategic Preparation 5  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_3454.png Fire Shield 6  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_3453.png Take The Lead 6  78     & 22,600 councils 
icon_3449.png Emergency Bash 8  79     & 22,650 councils 
icon_3455.png Fight Me You Fools 8  79     & 22,650 councils 
icon_2248.png Reinforce 8  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_3447.png Disrupting Bash 8  81     & 27,250 councils 
icon_3642.png Quick Bash 8  82     & 27,300 councils 
icon_3457.png Shield Team 6  82     & 27,300 councils 
Knife Fighting
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 70    x3 & 400,000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3592.png Blur Cut 8  74     & 19,900 councils 
icon_3598.png Hamstring Throw 8  74     & 19,900 councils 
icon_3593.png Poisoner's Cut 5  75     & 19,950 councils 
icon_3597.png Gut 8  75     & 19,950 councils 
icon_3594.png Fending Blade 6  76     & 22,500 councils 
icon_3596.png Venomstrike 8  77     & 22,550 councils 
icon_3599.png Surprise Throw 8  78     & 22,600 councils 
icon_3600.png Backstab 8  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_3601.png Surge Cut 8  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_3602.png Fan of Blades 6  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_3590.png Opening Thrust 9  81     & 27,250 councils 
icon_3595.png Slice 9  83     & 27,350 councils 
icon_3740.png Duelist's Slash 9  83     & 27,350 councils 
Armor Patching
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 70    x3 & 300,000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Acidic Wax: Advanced Flesh-Melter  70     & 11,466 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Safety Wax: Extra-Thick Shellac  75     & 13,300 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_2101.png Patch Armor 9  80     & 22,700 councils 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Acidic Wax: Fancy Flesh-Melter  80     & 15,133 councils 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Safety Wax: Extreme Shellac  85     & 18,300 councils 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Idiot-Proof Safety Wax #3  85     & 18,300 councils 


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - (Lv 80)
[Like Family] Favor - (Lv 80), x5



Are you here to arm yourself? Makes sense! I've been collecting appropriate armaments for some time, if you want to take a look.

You might want to steer clear of that Marrowchomp fellow. He helped us out early on, and in return I helped him soulbind here. I think we all sleep better knowing he likes to prowl for enemies at night. ... Buuuuuut... he sometimes eats mortals.

Have you seen my friend Fazzi? We were on a rescue mission in the Nexus, but our team was overwhelmed and Fazzi refused to flee.

No, I'm worried about her, I'm sure she's fine. I was just hoping she'd come home soon!

Small Talk

Variation 1

I'm happy I was already lifebound out here. It seemed like a risky move when I did it a few decades ago, though! But now guess who's not being tortured? This genius right here!

Variation 2

My hive was mostly obliterated during the Winter Invasion. We knew they were coming, but we didn't expect the attack to happen at the very moment of the queen's Coronation!

Variation 3

I managed to pull Midge, Floxie, and Crelpin here after the disaster in sector A14. I have friends on the Autumn Defiant, and they helped. Speaking of which, I think we may soon have a few more survivors arriving!

But a word of warning: Floxie has vivid memories of what she thinks happened, but that's not the story I heard from my other friends. I'm not saying she's lying! I just think she's confused. So don't read too much into her words.