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(Expanded a little bit)
(Yes, text at Like Family and Soul Mates is identical. Maybe randomly generated?)
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[[File:Glajur (npc).jpg|thumb|right|300px|He's studying a dried skull and trying to look nonchalant.]]
{{NPC infobox
|title            = Glajur
|image            = [[File:Glajur (npc).jpg|300px]]
|caption          = He's studying a dried skull and trying to look nonchalant.
|zone = Kur Mountains
|dungeon = Kur Tower
|location        = Near first floor exit portal.
|anatomy = Goblin
|species = Goblin
|beastspeak      = Yes
|beastlist = All
|skilltrainer    = [[Phrenology]]
|vendor          = Yes
Don't kill me, you gigantic monstrosity! You... can't understand me, can you? All these Monstrous Races are dumb as wrenches. No wonder you're so easy to enslave...
Don't kill me, you gigantic monstrosity! You... can't understand me, can you? All these Monstrous Races are dumb as wrenches. No wonder you're so easy to enslave...
'''Glajur''' is a Goblin found in [[Kur Tower]] who has an interest in [[Phrenology]] and teaches it. Fluency in [[Goblinese]] (50) is required to talk to him.
[[Glajur]] is a Goblin found in [[Kur Tower]] who has an interest in [[Phrenology]] and teaches it. Fluency in [[Goblinese]] (40) is required to talk to him.
== Location ==
; [[Kur Tower]]
: At the right end of the first corridor.
== Shopkeeper ==
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor ==
===Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
===Favor Rewards===
{{Spoiler| Reward at {{favor|Comfortable}}|
Glajur will teach the skill [[Phrenology]].}}
{{Spoiler| Reward at {{favor|Friends}}|
{{Quote|You aren't so bad, you know? For a member of the Monstrous Races, I mean.
And I couldn't help but notice... the proportions of your head are very freakish, from a Phrenology point of view. I'd say your parents were into some very weird magic before you were born!}}
{{Item|Healing Potion Extreme}} x 3
| valign="top" width="50%"|
{{Spoiler| Reward at {{favor|Close Friends}}|
{{Quote|You keep surprising me with your generosity. Maybe some of the rumors about you people aren't true.}}
{{Item|Healing Potion Omega}} x 3
{{Spoiler| Reward at {{favor|Best Friends}}|
{{Quote|Why are you so kind to a goblin? I just don't understand. But I like it, sure.}}
{{Item|Steroid Drink}} x 3
{{Spoiler| Reward at {{favor|Like Family}}|
{{Quote|Thank you. For not killing me, and for being so nice. You don't suck that much at all! I mean, you smell, but other than that...}}
{{Item|Super Steroid Drink}} x 3
{{Spoiler| Reward at {{favor|Soul Mates}}|
{{Quote|Thank you. For not killing me, and for being so nice. You don't suck that much at all! I mean, you smell, but other than that...}}
{{Item|Super Steroid Drink}} x 5
{{vendor table first}}
=== Hang Outs ===
{{vendor table row
[[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
| item = Skull Extractor
{{Spoiler|Compare phrenology notes (2h)|
| icon = none
{{Quote|I tell you, this area represents a love of praise. ''Not'' a love of cautiousness. That's ridiculous! Your hypothesis is stupid and you're stupid!
| cost = 75 gold
Okay. I was out of line there. I'm sorry. Let's call it a day, okay?}}
:20 {{Favor|favor}} with Glajur
:500 [[Human Phrenology]] XP
{{vendor table row
{{Spoiler|Compare more phrenology notes (2h)|
| item = Craniometer <br><small>Req. favor > comf</small>
{{Quote|You seriously think this ''whole section'' of the skull represents self-esteem? Stupid idea.
| icon = none
| cost =
I don't have to refute your evidence! You have to refute mine! According to Phsyiognomy theory, big ears map to ''sexual frustration'' in Rakshasa, not self esteem. So there.
Okay, fine, I made that up. You're probably right. Happy? Asshole.}}
:20 {{Favor|favor}} with Glajur
:500 [[Rakshasa Phrenology]] ''or'' [[Goblin Phrenology]] XP
{{Spoiler|Compare yet more phrenology notes (2h)|
{{Quote|That's bullshit! No, you said you thought it was a bump for 'Conscientiousness". You can't pretend you said "Cautiousness" now. That's bullshit! Argh!
Why can't you just let me win an argument? Can't you see how important this is to me? I have a huge 'Love of Approbation' nodule on my skull here. Science says you should let me win!}}
:20 {{Favor|favor}} with Glajur
:500 [[Goblin Phrenology]] XP
{{vendor table row
  | item = Precision Craniometer <br><small>Req. favor > Friends</small>
== Quests ==
  | icon = none
  | cost =  
category = Quests/Glajur
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Phrenology]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
  |item=Phrenology{{pipe}}Learn Phrenology
  |skilllevel = 0
  |cost= 0
|favor= Comfortable
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Surgical Craniometer <br><small>Req. favor > Friends</small>
  |recipe=Elf Phrenology Research
  | icon = none
  | cost =  
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Ring of Practical Psychology
  |recipe=Elf Phrenology Research 2
  | icon = none
  | cost =  
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Expert's First Aid Kit
  |recipe=Human Phrenology Research
  | icon = firstaid
  | cost = 150 gold
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Master First Aid Kit
  |recipe=Human Phrenology Research 2
  | icon = firstaid
  | cost = 300 gold
|favor=Close Friends
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Expert's Armor Patch Kit
  |recipe=Rakshasa Phrenology Research
  | icon = patchkit
  | cost = 150 gold
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Master Armor Patch Kit
  |recipe=Rakshasa Phrenology Research 2
  | icon = patchkit
  | cost = 225 gold
{{NPC training row
| valign="top" width="50%"|
|recipe=Goblin Phrenology Research
{{vendor table second}}
{{vendor table row
  | item = Autopsy Kit
  | icon = autopsykit
{{NPC training row
  | cost = 75 gold
|recipe=Goblin Phrenology Research 2
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
  |recipe=Goblin Phrenology Research 3
|favor=Like Family
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Advanced Ink
  |recipe=Orc Phrenology Research
  | icon = ink
  | cost = 150 gold
{{vendor table row
{{NPC training row
  | item = Expert Ink
  |recipe=Giant Phrenology Research
  | icon = ink
  | cost = 375 gold
|favor=Best Friends
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends =
|RiShin Family = {{Item|Impressive Aberration Skull}} x3
== Conversations ==
==Small Talk==
Don't kill me, you gigantic monstrosity! You... can't understand me, can you? All these Monstrous Races are dumb as wrenches. No wonder you're so easy to enslave...
* Loves Skulls of All Types {{Hint|Impressive Skulls +31, Normal Skulls +4.}}
:'''I can understand you.''' ([[Goblinese]] 40? I was at 50)
* Loves Brains of All Types
::Uh... oh. ''He begins speaking loudly and slowly'' HELLO. I AM GLAJUR. I COME IN PEACE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND " PEACE"?
* Likes Cloth Armor
:::'''Yes? Otherwise I'd have killed you already.'''
::::Wow, you actually speak Goblinese pretty well. I... was not expecting that. Well, hi. I'm a counselor! I was left behind when our exploration team fled in terror. I was supposed to tend to the wounded while they got help. But help never came, and the wounded eventually died.  
:::::'''Why don't you leave, then?'''
* '''Necromancy Goblets''' : Obtain 5 Necromancer's Goblets. {{Hint|Silver looking goblets, appear to spawn in the coffin rooms.}}
::::::I guess I should. But... well, maybe the clan will be back in a day or two. They wouldn't ''really'' abandon a clan member, would they? That would break so many laws...
* '''Looking at Skulls''' : Obtain 5 Humanoid Skulls. {{Hint|Note: NOT 'impressive' skulls. Common loot from the lootable skeletons in the coffin rooms.}}
:::::::'''So you live down here?'''
* '''Obtain Necromancer's Goblets (0/5)
::::::::I've been taking the opportunity to improve my skills. There are so many corpses in here that it's easy to find skulls!
:::::::::'''Why do you need skulls?'''
::::::::::It's very technical. You wouldn't understand.
; [[Phrenology]]
:::::::::::'''Try me.'''
: Glajur will teach you the skill at ''Comfortable'' favor. He will also hand you a ''Skull Extractor''.
::::::::::::For sentient beings, the shape of the skull determines many important aspects of their personality and intellect. By studying the skulls of many species, I can hone my combat psychology. It's a complex science called Phrenology.
: ''Elf Phrenology Research'' (L1-2)
:::::::::::::'''Okay, I understood that. See? That wasn't so hard.''' (Disclaimer: I have [[Psychology]] level 60+, I don't know if this dialogue is the same for everyone)
: ''Human Phrenology Research'' (L1-2)
::::::::::::::Are you a psychologist too? ''Glajur becomes more excited'' Then you can help me! You see, I've run out of skulls in the safe parts of the tunnels... and I could use a favor... ''([[Looking at Skulls]] is now available.)''
: ''Rakshasa Phrenology Research'' (L1-2)
:::::::::::::::'''Maybe later.'''
: ''Goblin Phrenology Research'' (L1-3)
: ''Orc Phrenology Research'' (L1)
: ''Giant Phrenology Research'' (L1)
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Kur Tower NPCs]][[Category:Goblin]][[Category:Skulls]][[Category:Brains]][[Category:Gear, Cloth (Any)]]

Latest revision as of 16:01, 1 April 2023

Button Blue.png
Glajur (npc).jpg
He's studying a dried skull and trying to look nonchalant.
Near first floor exit portal.
Beast Speak:
Speaks With:
Skill Trainer:

Don't kill me, you gigantic monstrosity! You... can't understand me, can you? All these Monstrous Races are dumb as wrenches. No wonder you're so easy to enslave...

Glajur is a Goblin found in Kur Tower who has an interest in Phrenology and teaches it. Fluency in Goblinese (40) is required to talk to him.


Kur Tower
At the right end of the first corridor.


Items Sold[view/edit]

 75 councils 
 300 councils   [Friends] 
 900 councils   [Close Friends] 
 1800 councils   [Best Friends] 
 180 councils 
 150 councils 
 225 councils 
 102 councils 
 195 councils 
 150 councils 
 37 councils 
 75 councils 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Bones and skulls

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 2,500
Comfortable 2,500
Friends 5,000
Close Friends 10,000
Best Friends 20,000
Like Family 50,000
Soul Mates 65,000


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Loves Skulls of All Types Hint
  • Loves Brains of All Types
  • Likes Cloth Armor

Favor Rewards

Reward at [Comfortable]

Glajur will teach the skill Phrenology.

Reward at [Friends]

You aren't so bad, you know? For a member of the Monstrous Races, I mean.

And I couldn't help but notice... the proportions of your head are very freakish, from a Phrenology point of view. I'd say your parents were into some very weird magic before you were born!

x 3

Reward at [Close Friends]

You keep surprising me with your generosity. Maybe some of the rumors about you people aren't true.

x 3

Reward at [Best Friends]

Why are you so kind to a goblin? I just don't understand. But I like it, sure.

x 3

Reward at [Like Family]

Thank you. For not killing me, and for being so nice. You don't suck that much at all! I mean, you smell, but other than that...

x 3

Reward at [Soul Mates]

Thank you. For not killing me, and for being so nice. You don't suck that much at all! I mean, you smell, but other than that...

x 5

Hang Outs

Compare phrenology notes (2h)

I tell you, this area represents a love of praise. Not a love of cautiousness. That's ridiculous! Your hypothesis is stupid and you're stupid!

Okay. I was out of line there. I'm sorry. Let's call it a day, okay?

20 [favor] with Glajur
500 Human Phrenology XP

Compare more phrenology notes (2h)

You seriously think this whole section of the skull represents self-esteem? Stupid idea.

I don't have to refute your evidence! You have to refute mine! According to Phsyiognomy theory, big ears map to sexual frustration in Rakshasa, not self esteem. So there.

Okay, fine, I made that up. You're probably right. Happy? Asshole.

20 [favor] with Glajur
500 Rakshasa Phrenology or Goblin Phrenology XP

Compare yet more phrenology notes (2h)

That's bullshit! No, you said you thought it was a bump for 'Conscientiousness". You can't pretend you said "Cautiousness" now. That's bullshit! Argh!

Why can't you just let me win an argument? Can't you see how important this is to me? I have a huge 'Love of Approbation' nodule on my skull here. Science says you should let me win!

20 [favor] with Glajur
500 Goblin Phrenology XP



Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 0    0 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Elf Phrenology Research  1    166 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Elf Phrenology Research 2  12    865 councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Human Phrenology Research  1    166 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Human Phrenology Research 2  12    865 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Rakshasa Phrenology Research  1    166 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Rakshasa Phrenology Research 2  12    865 councils   [?] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Goblin Phrenology Research  1    166 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Goblin Phrenology Research 2  12    865 councils   [Best Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Goblin Phrenology Research 3  28    1732 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Orc Phrenology Research  1    166 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Giant Phrenology Research  1    166 councils   [Best Friends] 


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor -
[Like Family] Favor - x3


Don't kill me, you gigantic monstrosity! You... can't understand me, can you? All these Monstrous Races are dumb as wrenches. No wonder you're so easy to enslave...

I can understand you. (Goblinese 40? I was at 50)
Uh... oh. He begins speaking loudly and slowly HELLO. I AM GLAJUR. I COME IN PEACE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND " PEACE"?
Yes? Otherwise I'd have killed you already.
Wow, you actually speak Goblinese pretty well. I... was not expecting that. Well, hi. I'm a counselor! I was left behind when our exploration team fled in terror. I was supposed to tend to the wounded while they got help. But help never came, and the wounded eventually died.
Why don't you leave, then?
I guess I should. But... well, maybe the clan will be back in a day or two. They wouldn't really abandon a clan member, would they? That would break so many laws...
So you live down here?
I've been taking the opportunity to improve my skills. There are so many corpses in here that it's easy to find skulls!
Why do you need skulls?
It's very technical. You wouldn't understand.
Try me.
For sentient beings, the shape of the skull determines many important aspects of their personality and intellect. By studying the skulls of many species, I can hone my combat psychology. It's a complex science called Phrenology.
Okay, I understood that. See? That wasn't so hard. (Disclaimer: I have Psychology level 60+, I don't know if this dialogue is the same for everyone)
Are you a psychologist too? Glajur becomes more excited Then you can help me! You see, I've run out of skulls in the safe parts of the tunnels... and I could use a favor... (Looking at Skulls is now available.)
Maybe later.