Expert Ink

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Expert Ink
Super fancy calligraphy ink.
Value: 50

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering


Vendor [Expand] Location
Glajur Kur Mountains
Hirochi the Booklord Rahu
Irkima Red Wing Casino
Jaime Fatholm Serbule Hills
Joeh Serbule
Kohan Rahu
Laura Neth Kur Mountains
Preta Sun Vale
Richter Heavenly Sewers
Sammie Grimspine Serbule Hills
Spot Sun Vale
Ufkar Rahu
Vendor Fox
Wintria Irasce Rahu
Yavazek Sun Vale


This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Alchemy [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
25 Expert Volatile Ink icon_5888.png Expert Ink x5
icon_5015.png Fire Dust x1
icon_5884.png Expert Volatile Ink x5
27 Expert Holistic Ink icon_5888.png Expert Ink x3
icon_5392.png Powdered Mammal x1
icon_5885.png Expert Holistic Ink x3
29 Expert Caustic Ink icon_5888.png Expert Ink x5
icon_5054.png Basic Fish Scales x2
icon_5886.png Expert Caustic Ink x5
Calligraphy [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
37 Calligraphy: Attention icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1 Gain access to a combo that affects all enemies within 10 meters.
38 Calligraphy: Attention+ icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that affects all enemies within 10 meters. Also gain a passive insight: all slashing attacks deal +8% damage.
39 Calligraphy: Misery icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5055.png Femur x1
icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
Gain access to a combo that ignites the target, dealing 60 damage over 15 seconds.
40 Calligraphy: Misery+ icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5055.png Femur x1
icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that ignites the target, dealing 60 damage over 15 seconds. Also gain a passive insight: all slashing attacks deal +8% damage.
41 Calligraphy: Blood Power icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5005.png Blusher Mushroom x1
Gain access to a combo that regenerates your health by +4/sec for 15 seconds.
42 Calligraphy: Blood Power+ icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5005.png Blusher Mushroom x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that regenerates your health by +4/sec for 15 seconds. Also gain a passive insight: First Aid heals you +30.
43 Calligraphy: Youth icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5049.png Shark x1
Gain access to a combo that regenerates your power by +3/sec for 10 seconds.
44 Calligraphy: Youth+ icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5049.png Shark x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that regenerates your power by +3/sec for 10 seconds. Also gain a passive insight: First Aid heals you +34.
45 Calligraphy: Lethargic icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
Gain access to a combo that affects all enemies within 5 meters and reduces their Rage by 30.
46 Calligraphy: Lethargic+ icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that affects all enemies within 5 meters and reduces their Rage by 30. Also gain a passive insight: all attacks generate 7% less Rage in your targets.
47 Calligraphy: Stoic icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5060.png Good First Aid Kit x1
icon_5024.png Onion x1
Gain access to a combo that heals 10 health, 10 armor, and 10 power
48 Calligraphy: Stoic+ icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5060.png Good First Aid Kit x1
icon_5024.png Onion x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that heals 10 health, 10 armor, and 10 power. Also gain a passive insight: First Aid heals you +40.
49 Calligraphy: Despondent icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5006.png Milk Cap Mushroom x1
Gain access to a combo that reduces enemy's rage by 60 and diminishes the enemy's next attack by 20 damage.
50 Calligraphy: Despondent+ icon_5888.png Basic Ink x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5006.png Milk Cap Mushroom x1
icon_5295.png Inkstone x1
Gain access to a combo that reduces enemy's rage by 60 and diminishes the enemy's next attack by 20 damage. Also gain a passive insight: all slashing attacks deal +9% damage.
Surveying [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
53 Ilmari Master's Metal Motherlode Map icon_5306.png Amazing Parchment x1
icon_5888.png Expert Ink x1
icon_5516.png Magic Sand x1 (!)
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x5
icon_5305.png Ilmari Desert Master's Metal Motherlode Map x1


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Rick Snapley New Prestonbule Cave in Gazluk Likes (Poisonous Drinks)
Ragabir Red Wing Casino Likes (Alchemy Ingredients)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Ink for the Inscription 5 (Collect) One time only Gloria Stonecurl Neutral The Outpost in Northwestern Kur

Other Uses
