Undead Anatomy
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
“Undead (creature type) include undead such as skeletons, zombies, and liches. This skill doesn't cover undead without bodies, such as ghosts and wraiths.
Undead Anatomy (a sub-skill of Anatomy) knowledge is gained by using the Autopsy Kit on creatures of this type.
Known Creatures
- Arbulekh
- Baruti
- Betra the Cold
- Bonfire Puck
- Chuckleflap
- Despair Puck
- Empusa
- Gajus the Big-Headed
- Gravamux
- James Eltibule
- Kamehaza
- Keerla
- Khyrulek
- Khyrulek's True Form
- Lady Eleanor
- Maligno
- Nameless Guardian
- Serisa Eltibule
- Urg-Ak Faqu
- Ursula
- Ancient Skeleton Guard
- Corpse Keeper
- Deceased Guardian
- Dilapidated Guardian
- Forgotten Skeletal Mage
- Ghoul
- Ghoul Crusher
- Ghoul Smasher
- Immortal Bulwark
- Immortal Warrior
- Invincible Bulwark
- Invincible Dinosaur
- Invincible Minion
- Invincible Ratkin Skeleton
- Lamia
- Mummy Rotter
- Mummy Wrapper
- Nigh-Invincible Warrior
- Noxious Flapskull
- Old Lamia
- Old Skeleton Guard
- Preserved Corpse
- Ratkin Skeleton
- Skeletal Gallimimus
- Skeletal Mega-Gallimimus
- Skeletal Mega-Triceratops
- Skeletal Sentry
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Assassin
- Skeleton Coldweaver
- Skeleton Corpse Keeper
- Skeleton Darkweaver
- Skeleton Death Shepherd
- Skeleton Dickweed
- Skeleton Dragger
- Skeleton Fire Master
- Skeleton Fire Wizard
- Skeleton Frostlord
- Skeleton Gardener
- Skeleton Guard
- Skeleton Ice Guard
- Skeleton Ice Wizard
- Skeleton Infiltrator
- Skeleton Instigator
- Skeleton Intruder
- Skeleton Knight
- Skeleton Ranger
- Skeleton Sentinel
- Skeleton Sentry
- Skeleton Slug-Tender
- Skeleton Sun Priest
- Skeleton Swordsman
- Skeleton Triceratops
- Skeleton Troublemaker
- Skeleton Vigilant
- Skeleton War Wizard
- Suicidal Skeleton
- Terror Lamia
- Toughened Skeleton Guard
- Undead Myconian
- Undying Ratkin Miner
- Unliving Ratkin Blaster
- Waterlogged Guardian
- Waterlogged Skeleton Sentinel
- Waterlogged Vigilant
- Weatherbeaten Skeleton Archer
- Wind-Addled Archer
- Your Mummy