Nice Evasion Boots

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Nice Evasion Boots
Endurance 25
Someone with competence put together these nimble leather boots. Only a small amount of protection is lost in exchange for nimble dodging ability.
icon_101.png Max Armor

icon_108.png Chance to Evade Projectiles %

icon_105.png Health from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Armor from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Power from Combat Refresh Abilities
Value: 120

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Leatherworking [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
40 Nice Evasion Boots (Enchanted) icon_5177.png Nice Leather Roll x3
icon_5176.png Decent Leather Roll x1
icon_5175.png Leather Strips x3
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_10018.png Nice Evasion Boots x1
40 Nice Evasion Boots (Max-Enchanted) icon_5177.png Nice Leather Roll x3
icon_5176.png Decent Leather Roll x1
icon_5175.png Leather Strips x3
icon_5205.png Maximized Onyx x1
Primary Crystal x1
Auxiliary Crystal x1
icon_10018.png Nice Evasion Boots x1

Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Tanning [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Dye Leather Armor (1 color) icon_5178.png Rough Tannin Powder x1
Leather Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Leather Armor (2 colors) icon_5179.png Decent Tannin Powder x1
Leather Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Leather Armor (3 colors) icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
Leather Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1

Also can be used in any recipes which call for:


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Sie Antry Sie Antry's Farm in Eltibule Likes (Foot gear and Loot)
The Wombat The Druid Camp in Sun Vale Dislikes (Foot gear and Loot)
Mushroom Jack Serbule Keep in Serbule Dislikes (Foot gear)
Raul Animal Town in Sun Vale Dislikes (Pieces of Leather Armor)
Falkrin Overstrike Amulna in Ilmari Hates (Pieces of Leather Armor)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Holistic Wellness: Hold Gear 40 (Have any Pieces of Equipment) 12 Hours Unknown Despised Rahu
Work Order

Turn in 10x Nice Evasion Boots to Gremix for 12614 councils. Requires Industry Level 30.

Other Uses
